Chapter 5

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~Marinette's POV~

It is now the end of August and Marinette is returning to Paris, but she isn't returning alone Percy and Annabeth are coming with her. Percy told Marinette that he couldn't take planes because Zeus didn't really like him so they decided to teleport using the horse miraculous. Marinette got permission from her parents for them to stay at her house for the school year. The three packed their bags and Marinette opened a portal to her room. Chloe being the extravagant satyr she is flew first class to Paris. The day after they arrived would be the first day of school let's just say Marinette was not looking forward to it.

Marinette felt something cold and wet she bolted upright to see Percy smirking at her with a glass in his hand. Marinette jumped over and tackled him to the ground he got out of her hold and started running for his life. Marinette chased him around the house until Annabeth stopped her and Percy by throwing a dagger into the wall. Marinette turned her head and said in a sweet voice "Good morning Annabeth. Do you want to help me kill my brother on this lovely day?"  Annabeth just shook her head and said "Marinette we have school today remember get dressed" Marinette frowned and went to do as she was told. 

When the trio arrived to school they saw Chloe waiting for them picking her nails. When they approached her she said "Finally what happened this time did Percy wake you up with water again Mari? Annabeth did she try to kill him again?" Annabeth nodded and Chloe rolled her eyes and went into the school with the three following her. When they entered the classroom Ms. Bustier said "Class we have two new student would you like to introduce yourselves?" Percy introduced himself first "Hi my name is Percy Jackson" "And my name is Annabeth Chase" they then took their seats next to each other in front of Marinette and Chloe. During class everyone was whispering about where Alya is which made Marinette feel a little guilty. 

When class ended Lila and her sheep walked over to Marinette. Lila yelled at Marinette "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MARINETTE PUTTING ALYA IN THE HOSPITAL YOU ARE SUCH A BULLY!" then the crocodile tears started falling. Kim's face was furious he swung a punch at Marinette only for it to be caught by her. "Don't even think about it Kim" she said in a deadly tone making the boy pale. She released his fist and he started to run away in fear Percy yelled after him "That's my sister you dumb gulper shark!" Marinette rolled her eyes and asked Percy "Was that supposed to be an insult to him or the dumb gulper shark?" Percy shrugged in response. Meanwhile the class who had just witnessed everything were wondering why the new kid call Marinette his sister. Finally Rose spoke up and asked "What do you mean sister?" Percy replied with "What else should I mean she is my sister Marinette Marina Jackson." The class was dumbfound Lila responded to that with "Marinette's name is actually Dupain-Cheng not Jackson." Mari just rolled her eyes and said "I'm adopted Lie-la" then the four friends just sashayed away. (Don't ask why I said that I just did)

They headed to the bakery for lunch so far their day had been very eventful. After they finished eating they still had an hour left of their break so Annabeth said "How about we go get some ice cream?" the teens all agreed and headed out to find Andre's ice cream cart. About 30 minutes of looking they finally found it at the Eiffel Tower. Percy and Annabeth ordered first and Andre said "Seaweed ice cream for the ocean I see in you both and cookies and cream for your parents past an odd pair I admit but together they fit" Next it was Chloe "Brown for his hair and grey for his fur half human half goat that I am sure" Chloe was confused but Percy looked at the ice cream and it reminded him of a certain satyr named Grover. Last it was Marinette "Licorice for his past and matcha for his eyes you share one of these in common I sense you will see each other soon" they paid and went to find a place to eat their ice cream when Annabeth spoke up "He's definitely the son of Aphrodite but I wonder how he has lived for so long" After they finished they headed back to tartarus *cough* sorry* school and went through the rest of the day. 

At the end of the day Ms. Bustier made an announcement that there would be a competition to win a class trip to Gotham sponsored by Bruce Wayne. "You have to write an essay talking about the class and yourself. The deadline is October 9 that gives you a month to write it and submit it to Bruce Wayne." The four students jumped at the chance and started to work on their project. 


Hope you liked this part soon it's gonna have some Daminette bye

Date 2/1/21


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