Chapter 11

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~Percy's POV~

Damian cursed under his breath as Marinette walked over to the Joker. Percy knew what was about to happen and was looking for some popcorn "Excuse me monsieur Joker." the Joker turned around and grinned a sick grin "Yes little girl?" that set Marinette off no one calls her a little girl "I just wanted to say you outfit is horrendous you taught you how to dress Tiresias nevermind he couldn't create clothes so disgusting. Gods I should rip that outfit to shreds." Her voice dropped to a low deadly tone "Also if you do not leave right now I will cause you worse pain then death." she glared at him to make sure he got the message. Joker started to shake and nodded Marinette's face lit up again and she had a smile "Good! Now clean up all the mess you made" he immediately ordered his goons to clean everything. When Batman and Red Robin arrived they were shocked they saw Joker and his goons with a dustpans and brooms sweeping in fear of the little Parisian looking over him. Once they finished cleaning Joker ran over to Batman begging him to take him to Arkham. Of course they took him to Arkham but Bruce was still shocked as to how Marinette did that he was wondering if she used any of her powers. 

Batman and Red Robin left after Joker and his goons were taken away then they heard a loud screech coming from Alix "MARI I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT JUST FOR ATTENTION AND TO MAKE ADRIEN JEALOUS!" That really ticked Marinette off for then she started to yell back "FIRST OF ALL ALIX ONLY MY FRIENDS CALL ME MARI AND WHY WOULD I WANT TO MAKE THAT PERVERT JEALOUS ALSO I HAVE HAD A BOYFRIEND SINCE I WAS EIGHT YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!" Marinette was infuriated when Alix said "I am your friend Mari and you don't have to lie about having a boyfriend we all know you had a huge crush on Adrien" "ALIX I HAVE NEVER HAD A CRUSH ON HIM AND WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU EVEN TEXTED ME!" Alix then proceeded to look through her phone and found it was two years ago "Alix care to tell everyone what you said?" Marinette said in a sickly sweet voice "It says 'Marinette I can't believe what you did to Lila why don't you just jump off the Eiffel tower and do everyone a favor'" Alix lost her confidence as she continued to read the text. Once she finished she looked up from her phone to see Percy, Annabeth, Chloe, Damian, Jason, Dick, and Tim glaring at her while the other people in the museum just looked at her in shock. Alix turned red with embarrassment she then said "Well you're a bully you deserve it what did Lila ever do to you!" this time is was Damian who spoke "My angel is far from a bully if she were then you all would be in the hospital or dead" Marinette glared at him he shrugged "It's true" she sighed "Even if it is true I don't want them to know" then Alix started talking again "Please Marinette may have hurt us that time we tried to beat her up because she did it to Lila but that was pure luck" when Damian heard that they tried to beat her up he grabbed his dagger and was over to her in a flash with it pressed against her throat "I'm surprised she didn't kill you I would've and can" he said in a low voice. Dick ran over to him and grabbed the dagger out of his hand "No killing lil D" Damian groaned and said "tt you always have to take the fun out of everything" the class and other people in the museum looked at them like they were crazy Chloe noticed this and yelled "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" everyone then started to go back to what they were doing and the group left the rest of the class and returned to the manor. 

When they got back they saw Tikki and Plagg waiting for them the second they entered they asked how it was Annabeth told them "Joker attacked and Marinette scared him and his goons they were begging to go to Arkham when Batman showed up it was hilarious. Then Alix started to talk saying that Mari did it all for attention to make Adrien jealous. There was some yelling then she talked about how they once attempted to beat up Mari and then Damian ran over to her and held a dagger to her throat. Overall it wasn't that eventful." Plagg smiled and said "Good job Damian but why didn't you kill her?" Tikki's response to the question was "PLAGG!" "tt I would've but someone grabbed my dagger" he glared at Dick making him smile nervously. 

Soon it was time for lunch and the bunch headed over to the kitchen where Alfred decided to make pastitsio. (AKA Greek lasagna if you don't know what lasagna is I can't help you google it) They ate happily until a hellhound showed up. 


Here ya go I just have one thing to say do you know how hard it is to find chicken broth in Denmark this was around Christmas I wanted to make avgolemono for my grandparents on my dads side and we went to the grocery store we must've spent like an hour looking for chicken broth, and when we did it was not even real chicken broth I mean bruh don't get me started on looking for orzo. I love going to Denmark but like WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE CHICKEN BROTH! This is why I'm glad I live where I live because I know we have chicken broth and orzo.  Thank you for reading and sorry for that little blurb. 

Date 2/4/21

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