Chapter 8

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~Marinette's POV~

After they told Damian he was about to speak but Marinette's phone buzzed it was an akuma alert. She look over at Percy and said "There's an akuma should we tell him about the other things I think it should be ok since he is Robin" Damian was just confused and stared at the demigods in bewilderment Percy replied "Sure. Plagg claws out!" where once stood there was now Gladiateur Noir. Next was Marinette "Tikki spots on!" soon Ladybug appeared and put on the horse miraculous "Kaalki Tikki unify! Voyage!" the Damian stood dumbfounded after he saw the twins jump into a portal.

The akuma was Syren Percy and Marinette looked at each other with a look that said 'this is gonna be fun'. Soon they used their water powers to overpower Syren with a tsunami. Once she was down Marinette grabbed her bracelet and broke she captured the akuma, and purified it releasing a white butterfly into the air. She then shouted "Miraculous ladybug" and all the damage was repaired. She merged Tikki with Kaalki once again and they headed back to Gotham. Damian was still in the same position and hadn't moved a centimeter. Percy cleared his throat and he was snapped out of his daze. The twins detransformed and Damian finally spoke "Wait so you guys are demigods and also superheros" the two nodded in sync while Damian was still trying to process everything. After he did he realized that Marinette was risking her life and then said "Angel you could've died fighting those things what in the world were you thinking?!" Marinette looked at him and responded "It's not like I had a choice an old man left a box in my room and when I opened it a god flew out saying I had to save Paris from an evil butterfly man. Then said old man died making me the guardian of a whole bunch of tiny gods that are bound to magical jewelry. And then my partner assaulted me so I had to take his miraculous away. When I met Percy I gave it to him because who's better than my brother to give the god of destruction to?" Percy then said in a very offended tone "Hey! I'm not that destructive!" Marinette just rolled her eyes. Before Damian could say anything more Alfred knocked on the door saying that dinner was ready. 

They walked down the stairs to the dining room to see all the Wayne's there with Annabeth and Chloe. Once the three sat down Chloe asked "What were you three talking about?" Marinette just responded with "Gods" Annabeth look at her to make sure was wasn't being serious but she was, she was being dead serious. Annabeth then said "Did you really tell a mortal about gods?! I leave you two seaweed brains alone for what 30 minutes and you do that!" Everyone at the table looked confused except for Alfred because he knows all. Alfred then smiled and said "Son of Athena pleased to meet you" Annabeth looked at Alfred "I guess I have a new brother" the bats were the most confused they have ever been. Soon Chloe started to talk "Since we are all introducing ourselves imma change" she then proceeded to take off her pants while the bats looked away "You guys can look you know" Chloe said they all turned to look at her and their jaws dropped. Chloe sighed and said "I'm a satyr half human half goat now close your mouths and stop staring" their mouths immediately slammed shut and the demigods and satyr starting to chuckle. After they stopped Percy said "Son of Poseidon and this little nugget" he said in a baby voice while pinching Marinette's cheeks only to stop when she glared at him "is the daughter of Poseidon" he finished. The table was silent until Tim opened his mouth and said "So Greek mythology is real, and my sister in law is a demigod and so is her brother that's nice" everyone started to laugh at his blunt way of saying it when they finally calmed down Annabeth said "Yes that is correct"

~Time skip brought to you by Tim being sleep deprived~

~Percy's POV~

Percy woke up and headed to Marinette's room with a glass of water only to find she was not there alone. Next to her was Damian, Percy couldn't resist and dumped the water on the sleeping couple. They both bolted upright and yelled "Where's my katana!" Percy knew then that he should probably run, and that is what he did. He ran out of the room with the two chasing after him with katana's Percy was wondering to himself where in the world they got them, but then decided not to question the author. Percy felt something jump on his back and was soon on the ground face first with someone sitting on top of him. He felt the pressure disappear and then stood up and said "Good morning my dear sister and Damian" the couple rolled their eyes and said "Good morning" they headed to breakfast and were eating when Bruce came into the room. He clapped to get their attention and said "The French class will be joining us here for lunch I expect you all to be on your best behavior." with that he walked out of the room. 

After a few hours they heard the doorbell ring and Percy, Marinette, Chloe, Annabeth, and Damian went to open the door. When they opened it they almost slammed it shut right away, but instead they greeted the French class and invited them inside. Lila then spoke up "What is Mari-trash and her friends doing here?"


Hope you liked this chapter I'll update as soon as possible bye

Date 2/2/21

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