Chapter 6

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~Marinette's POV~

Marinette, Percy, Annabeth, and Chloe have been working on this essay for a month. (the reason it took so long is because they had to find nice things to say about Liar Rossi anywho back to the story) They finally finished on October 8 and submitted it to Mr. Wayne. After a few days Marinette got a phone call. 

"Is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" a male voice asked on the other end of the phone. 

"Yes but it is actually Marinette Jackson" Marinette replied.

"Sorry Ms. Jackson this is Bruce Wayne calling about the contest you entered"

"Yes what about it Mr. Wayne?" Marinette questioned.

"I am happy to inform you that you have won and will be heading to Gotham next Friday with your class for 2 months."

"Thank you so much Mr. Wayne!"

"Please call me Bruce if you text me with this number if you have any requirements or questions"

"Okay I will thank you again Bruce"

Marinette texted Chloe telling her the news before running over to Percy and Annabeth's room to tell them. 

At school the next day she told Ms. Bustier the news and asked her to tell no one that she was the one who won the contest. After the teacher announced the trip Lila started with her lies "Your welcome for winning the trip but I think my Damiboo helped getting us it too" "Lila who is your damiboo?" Sabrina asked innocently. Lila then did her fake smile and said "Oh it's Damian Wayne remember that bracelet he gave me and then Mari-trash stole it?" the sheep all turned to glare at Marinette who was talking with Percy about whose sword was better. Marinette noticed the classes gaze on her and asked "What did I do this time?" with a disinterested look on her face. The class just replied with "Nothing" and continued to listen to Lila spin her tales. 

When class was finished Marinette checked her phone and saw she had a text message from Bruce saying that all his sons were going to meet the class at the airport. 

~Time skip brought to you by Lila talking about her Damiboo 🤮~

~Percy's POV~

Percy knew he was going to get chased with a katana for doing this but her just had to. You're probably wondering what he was doing well he was about to pour water on Marinette to wake her up again key work about to. His hand was tipping the glass over Marinette when her eyes shot open and she grabbed a dagger from under her pillow and held it to his throat. "Don't ever do that again Perce" she said in a deadly calm voice that sent shivers down his spine. He could only nod and with that she put her dagger away and smiled. Today was the day they left for Gotham.

~Damian's POV~

Damian, Dick, Jason, and Tim were all brought to their father's office. "Today the french class is arriving you all are going to meet them at the airport" He said "Father why do I have to go with these imbeciles? I have much better use of my time than babysitting" Damian said in a cold tone.  "You all are going there is no room for negotiation" Bruce said and then sent his sons out.

~Marinette's POV~

Marinette got dressed and went downstairs and saw Annabeth and Percy eating blue waffles Marinette joined them and soon it was time to leave. The trio headed to school with their luggage to see the bus was already boarding children to head to the airport. Chloe was waiting for them as always and perked up when she saw them. They all went on the bus and soon were at the airport. Ms. Bustier was trying to get the tickets she looked to see if they were under the school name, but that didn't work then Liar *sorry I don't know what's up with my keyboard* Lila Rossi went up and asked them to search under her name, but once again nothing came up. Finally Marinette went up the the lady at the desk and said "Could you please check under Marinette Jackson, thank you" and lo and behold it worked! When the lady was handing out the tickets she gave Annabeth, Chloe, Percy, and Marinette first class tickets. Lila threw a tantrum saying that Marinette stole the ticket that her 'Damiboo' got her, but failed once Annabeth pointed out that the tickets had their names on them. 

~Time skip because once more it's a plane flight and I ain't gonna right about them being fancy in first class~

The class stepped out of the plane and Marinette locked eyes with someone. Blue met green and Marinette ran towards the man and jumped on him. "I've missed you Dami" she whispers into his chest "I've missed you too angel" he whispers back meanwhile the class and Damian's brothers just stared at them then Jason spoke up and yelled "DEMON SPAWN IS HAPPY IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD DICK TELL MY GUNS I LOVE THEM!" Damian then broke the hug with his beloved and glared at him. "Todd it is not the end of the world when I see someone for the first time in over 5 years" Damian said "Dami be nice" Marinette scolded he just responded with a smile and then the brothers jaws dropped. Damian noticed this and said "Close your mouths we don't want you eating flies" They all snapped back to reality and Dick asked "How do you know her?" Marinette was the one to respond "Here is not a good place to talk about it" Dick got the message and didn't ask anymore questions. Then Percy, Annabeth, and Chloe walked over and Percy asked "Mari is this who I think it is?" Marinette just nodded and Percy smiled and said "Hi I'm Percy Marinette's twin if you hurt her I will drown you in a tidal wave" Damian gave a smile and introduced himself "I'm Damian and don't worry I would never hurt my angel" at that Marinette blushed and buried her face in his shirt. Dick interrupted and said "Marinette and Percy my name is Richard Grayson but you can call me Dick. The one who screamed it's the end of the world is Jason, and the one who looks like he is about to pass out any second is Tim." Marinette and Percy greeted them and them Chloe and Annabeth walked over Marinette said "This is Annabeth my future sister in law" at that Percy and Annabeth turned into tomatoes "and this is Chloe my best friend" after all the greetings and introductions they turned to talk to the class only to see that they left them there. "How about you guys stay with us in the manor since Damian seems to know one of you well" to that Marinette said "Oh no we wouldn't won't to be a bother-" she was cut off by Dick saying "Okay it is settled grab your things we are heading to the manor" 


Here y'all go we getting into the Daminette now bye

Date 2/1/21

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