Chapter 4

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~Marinette's POV~

Percy and Marinette arrived in Paris to see Reflekta again well again for Marinette first time for Percy. Reflekta see them and says "Nice makeover but let me give you another" she shoots at Percy but Ladybug pushes him out of the way. "Don't let her rays hit you it turns you into a clone of her" Percy listens and keeps dodging her attacks. While Percy is keeping Reflekta busy Marinette calls upon her lucky charm and is given a can of hairspray. She knows what to do  and yells to Percy "Keep her distracted I have a plan!" Percy just replies with "Um I think I'm already doing that but ok" Marinette goes over to Reflekta and sprays the hairspray in her face Reflekta lets out a yell and Ladybug tells Percy "Use your cataclysm on that jewel on her hand" Percy does as he is told and a black butterfly flutters into the air. Marinette uses her yoyo purifies the akuma and did her miraculous ladybug. After the battle they teleported back to camp and went back to sleep.

~Percy's POV~

Percy was woken up by Grover bursting through the doors and jumping on his bed. Percy groaned and asked Grover "What are you doing here?" to that Grover replied with "It's almost one in the afternoon Percy people think you and your sister are dead." Percy perked up when he heard sister and look across the cabin. He saw Marinette lying in bed with her feet hanging and drool coming out from her mouth, he chuckled and said to Grover "I think she's isn't going to get up as easily as me" 

After 15 minutes of Grover trying to wake up Marinette he asked Percy for some help. Percy then called for Tikki and asked "Tikki how do we wake her up it's like she can sleep through anything" the small kwami smirked and yelled "MARINETTE YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" at that Marinette burst out of bed mumbling about how she can't be late again. Soon she figure out where she was and glared at Tikki, Tikki just smiled and went back to her hiding place.  Marinette then said good morning to Percy and Grover before kicking them out of her room so she could get dressed. She exited her room and the trio headed to breakfast or now lunch. 

When they finished eating Percy asked Marinette if she wanted to spar of course she agreed. They started to spar dodging and countering each others attacks but soon Marinette got the upper hand, she flipped him so he was on his back and held her katana to his throat. "I win" she said in a 'cute' tone Percy just rolled his eyes and then he spotted someone "Hey Annabeth do you want to spar with Mari?" he yelled over to the blond. She agreed and stepped into the ring. Annabeth and Marinette spar for hours both never managing to land a good hit on one another. Soon it was time for dinner and they called it a tie. 

~Marinette's POV~

For dinner they had souvlaki (those are like kebabs idk how to describe it but they are good) And for dessert they had baklava (it's like filo dough with nuts and honey) Marinette was happy she was spending the summer here (I don't think I mentioned it but it is now summer sorry) but she was dreading the day she had to go back to Paris and see Lila and her sheep again. 


This was a filler chapter sorry it's so short but just letting you know the next chapter is a time skip to the end of summer basically everyday went similar to that one and Percy and Marinette fight akumas together since he is the new black cat and his name is Gladiateur Noir thank you so much for reading bye

Date 2/1/21

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