Chapter 9

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~Marinette's POV~

When those words left Lila's mouth Marinette had the perfect opportunity to expose her "Well Lila I'm staying here with my boyfriend" Lila scoffed and asked "Well who is your boyfriend then Mari-trash?" Marinette was about to reply, but was cut off by Damian "I am my name is Damian Wayne" he said in a cold tone that sent shivers down the classes spine. Sabrina then spoke "Really Marinette paying some dude to act as Damian Wayne? We all know he is dating Lila" Damian's face grew red with anger "Actually I have never met a Lila in my entire life and I am Damian Wayne. How would you like it if I called my father and have you all sent back to Paris?" The class paled and didn't say anything to upset him further. Damian then called for Alfred and asked him for the class to be escorted out of the manor. 

Marinette then told Damian some good news "Dami my brother his girlfriend and Chloe aren't heading back to Paris with the rest of the class when the trip is over. We have already enrolled in Gotham Academy and will be starting on Monday." Damian couldn't help but smile and pull her into a kiss. It was short and quick but filled with happiness and love. Their moment was interrupted with Jason saying while chuckling "Demon spawn did you forget we were here?" "tt Todd like I would pay attention to you idiots" that caused Damian to get a hit in the arm by Marinette that was surprisingly painful, but I guess that come with demigod strength. The couple then walked out of the room while Damian still rubbing his arm from the hit. 

~Percy's POV~

Percy asked the batfamily after they left "So can we stay here because so far no monsters have attacked us while we have been here?" Dick replied with "Sure, but what do you mean by monsters?" "Oh yeah demigods usually get chased by monsters because we smell good to them and they want to well to be honest I just think they want to kill us." Percy said while Annabeth and Chloe agreed. They all went their separate ways after. 

Marinette entered Percy's room to talk with him about the new school, but after she sat down next to him there was a splash of water Poseidon was standing in his usual hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts, flip flops, and to top it off a trident in his right hand. "Hello dad" Percy said "Dad?" Marinette questioned "Ah hello Marinette it is nice to meet you I am Poseidon your father" Mari's eyes widened at the word he spoke she then said "So why was I the one who was sent away and then brought up by assassins, and then became a superhero to fight with an evil butterfly man also not to mention getting married at 8 but if I'm being honest that wasn't the worst. Oh and also being proclaimed the guardian of a whole bunch a mini gods. But that wasn't my question so let's get back to it why was I sent away?" Poseidon was in shock from what his daughter had been through sure he was a god but he couldn't reach her for some reason. He now knew the reason "We only sent you away for your own safety because me having one child was already dangerous having two together it was own only choice to send one of you away. We were going to reunite you together again at the age of 12 but for some reason I couldn't find you. I think these mini gods had something to do with that."

 Marinette then called for her kwami Tikki flew out and the scene in front of her made her jaw drop. "Poseidon it's nice to see you again" a bright pink light filled the room and Tikki was now in a human form she had reddish brown hair, light blue eyes, pale skin, and was dressed in ancient Greek attire. "Nice to see you too Tikki" Poseidon replied. Meanwhile Percy and Marinette were staring at the two in shock "How do you two know each other?" Percy asked. Tikki then said "Well you see all the gods from the miraculous used to be Greek gods, but then Zeus banned us from Mount Olympus because he said we were 'too powerful' whatever that means" Poseidon shook his head and said "I still am confused as to why he banned you, you all had the same amount of power as us. But there was that time Plagg sunk Atlantis I'm still having trouble forgiving him for that." Tikki laughed and said "Well you shouldn't have angered him you know about his anger issues" After she said that Plagg flew out and said "Hey! I do NOT have anger issues! At least I'm not as bad a Ares" the three gods burst out laughing after that. Soon a green light flashed and was also in human form he had toxic green eyes, black hair, tan skin, and he was wearing black ripped jeans a green shirt and a leather jacket. The three then started to talk for a little until Marinette interrupted them "So I basically am the caretaker of a whole bunch of ex Greek gods." the three just said "Yup!" Percy then exclaimed "THAT IS SO COOL MY SISTER PROBABLY HAS MORE POWER THAN ZEUS ON HER SIDE!" just then a lightning bolt crashed in front of him. Plagg scoffed and yelled "REALLY THAT'S THE BEST YOU CAN DO LOST YOUR TOUCH LITTLE BROTHER!" Plagg shouldn't have done that because then a thunderstorm started outside Poseidon took that as his sign to leave and said goodbye to his children and old friends.


Thanks for reading I'll try to have another part out tonight but I might not be able to hped you enjoyed bye

Date 2/3/21

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