Chapter 1

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~Marinette POV~

"MARINETTE WAKE UP YOU GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Tikki yells at the sleepy 15 year old. When Marinette finally processes what Tikki said she jumps out of bed and start to get ready rapidly while asking Tikki why she didn't wake her earlier. She rushes down her trap down to the bakery downstairs and grabs a croissant "Bye mama bye Papa!" she yells as she runs into the street almost getting hit by a car. When she makes it to school she finds Chloe standing there waiting for her at the steps. When she meets Chloe she asks "Did you sleep in again Mari" Marinette didn't answer and just glared at her. When they reach the classroom Lila was spinning some lie while letting out fake tears. Alya approached Mari and started screaming "HOW COULD YOU!" Marinette had a bored expression on her face and asked "what did I do this time Alya?"  Alya answers by saying "You stole her brand new bracelet that Damian Wayne gave her!" Marinette just responded by rolling her eyes and going to her seat in the back of the classroom with Chloe. But she was reminded of her betrothed when that name was spoken. 

Before class begins Marinette goes to the bathroom only to be face to face with Alya. Marinette just heads inside and washes her hands but Alya was staring at her. Finally she asks "What are you doing Alya?" but as she said that Alya turned into a monster. Marinette just stands there confused until she realized what was going on. She ran into the classroom and headed straight to Chloe trying to catch her breath she says "Bathroom..... Alya........ Monster" Chloe realized what she meant and said to her "Ok Mari don't freak out but we gotta go back and kill her" Marinette was shocked at what she just said and was wondering if she heard her right so she asks just to be sure "Kill her?" Chloe rolls her eyes as if it isn't obvious that you would have to murder a thing in the bathroom that was a person but now is a weird monster thing.  

Marinette decided to not ask questions and followed Chloe to the bathroom to find the monster waiting for them "Great a harpy" Chloe said with a bored tone and took Mari with her out of the bathroom. Meanwhile Marinette is wondering what she means by a harpy. So she asks Chloe "What do you mean a harpy like the ones from Greek mythology?" Chloe just responds with a "duh" and took off her pants. Marinette was about to say something but then realized that her legs were replaced with the ones of a goat. She was absolutely befuddled but what made her even more confused was that Chloe threw her a bracelet with a trident charm. Chloe then said to Marinette "Press on the charm" Marinette did as she was told and the bracelet transformed into a katana her favorite. Marinette then said sarcastically "Now what am I supposed to do decapitate it?!" Chloe responded "Well you could do that, or you could stab it in the neck or heart wherever you please" "I was being sarcastic" said Mari. Chloe just opened the door to the bathroom revealing the harpy once again.

It charged at Marinette trying to kill her with its claws but missed. Marinette used her skills that she learned while training at the league and with Sabine to dodge every attack thrown her way. After a while the harpy was tired and its attacks became slower Mari then took that chance to plunge her katana into the harpies chest. The harpy then turned into gold dust going everywhere. She tuned to Chloe to get a better look at her legs she then asked "What in the hecking heck is going on!" 

Chloe the started to explain everything "Mari calm down I know this is confusing let me explain. Basically you are a demigod half god half human. Your ADHD are your battle reflexes and your dyslexia is because your brain is hardwired for ancient Greek. I am a satyr half goat half human I was sent to Paris to find demigods and bring them to Camp Half Blood which is a camp for people like you to train you. But by the looks of it it doesn't look like you need to be trained you already have fighting skills how?" Marinette then told her "I was raised by the league of assassins and was taught by Sabine Dupain-Cheng after Deathstroke attacked." Marinette left out her being betrothed because if this was Chloe she would start fangirling and never stop. "What in the world is the league of assassins?!" Chloe asked "Um it's exactly what is sounds like Chlo it is an organization filled with assassins." Marinette stated. Chloe looked at Marinette like she had 5 heads but soon snapped out of it and said  "Okay then Mari we gotta go to New York." "Wait what do you we 'we gotta go to New York' what's in New York?" "Camp Half Blood duh. Weren't you listening to anything I said ridiculous utterly ridiculous!" Chloe answered. 

That night she told her adoptive parents that she had to go to New York with Chloe for something but didn't say what. They agreed and said that she could go but only if she stays with Chloe the whole time. That night on patrol she met up with Chat Noir to tell him she was gonna be gone for a little. Chat responded with "Okay M'lady when you come back we can go out sometime" Ladybug was sick of him asking her out and finally told him the truth "Chat we can't be together I am already betrothed and you are my partner I will never feel that way about you so can you stop it already!" She then swung away into the night back to the bakery. 

~Adrien's POV~

He landed in his room and detransformed. Plagg came out and starting whining for his one true love camembert. Adrien asked Plagg "Why can't she loved me? She is even making things up about being betrothed." Plagg responded with "Kid you can't choose who she loves and I don't think she would lie about being betrothed. You gotta just switch targets find someone else." Adrien didn't say anything and just decided to think about who else he could find. He then remembered Marinette and how she was their everyday Ladybug, and that she had a crush on him. 

Later that night he transformed into Chat Noir and went to his princesses house to tell her how he felt. 


What's gonna happen          Date 1/31/21

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