Chapter 28: Princessa!

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The woman was old with dark skin and seemingly tired eyes.  Be aware that I said seemingly “Princessa!” She yelled in such a loud pitch I could have sworn someone’s eardrum shattered.

“Hello my subject,” I say lightly and steal a glance at Wilfred who is being handed a scroll with all the women’s details. I smile and her as I wait for Wilfred to review the document and come back to stand beside me.

“Princess Chloe meet Giana, a banshee from a foreign land. She has been living here for a decade and today wished to correspond with you about Doomsland affairs,” I watch Wilfred as he reads through the scroll in such a stiff, and proper voice. I resist the urge to laugh and try my best to keep a straight face, looking towards Giana with a warm smile “Giana you may speak.”

“Your majesty before I speak of anything else I would just like to tell you how big of an honor it is to stand before only a few hours after your great return,” I smile and nod along with her words as I tune her out a little and think about what Wilfred said about her. She’s been here for ten years and I have been gone for seventeen years, why would she have such passion for my return. I know I am amazing but her enthusiasm makes me almost question her motives.

A Wilfred steps back closer to my throne and slightly bumps into my elbow that lay on the armrest. I look up at him and he shifts his eyes back and forth between me and Giana as if to say pay attention or you will be judged.

I straightened my shoulders and returned my attention to the woman “I suppose I was just wondering how you plan to deal with relationships in regards to other worlds?”

I consider what to tell her, after all I did just get back and maybe it wasn’t the best idea to do this thing so soon. I have no idea what I plan to do so I get ready to feed her a bunch of information that doesn’t directly answer her answer when a door flies open and in walks my fiancé’s favorite person. Knox struts into the throne room a clear, determined look in his eyes as he walks straight up to a person in line, two guards flank his back.

I stand up to go over to him and demand an excuse as to why he has to audacity to interrupt me. I’m about to cross my wall of guards positioned in front of my throne when Wilfred holds his arm out and stops me. I look to him for an explanation but his focus is entirely on our General.

“Rocco Adrinn you are under arrest for conspiracy against the royals of Doomsland,” With a wave of his hand the guards move from behind him and grabs hold of the short man who attempts to move away. They hold him in front of the General as he searches the commoner’s belongings.

“General care to explain?” I yell, much to Wilfred’s dismay. Knox ignores me and pauses at something during his search quickly grabbing it and slipping into his jacket pocket before anyone could see.

“Traitor,” Rocco claims loudly and tries to spit on the General but he is pulled back just in time and Knox walks away towards me, the man being pulled out of the room as his screams fade.

The General makes his way to us and stops at Wilfred whispering something in his ear before coming over to me. Wilfred’s face falls and he walks away looking like a fairy with a mission.

“Princess I advise you to look over what just happened and wrap this up,” I glare at his words, as if he could tell me what to do. Knox notices my stubbornness and straightens up making himself look bigger and extremely intimidating “NOW!”

Taken aback I step away and look towards the crowd of terrified and confused people. I know people don’t like this guy but why would that man call him a traitor, as if they knew each other, as if they were on the same side. I know Knox was not born and raised here, he resembles a human too much so where is he really from?  I’m sure he would be happy to hide that fact. Lifting my chin up at the General I focus back on Giana now full aware of my plans.

“Giana to answer your question I will be inviting the leaders of our closest worlds separately to repair and or remake relationships to return to our former glory,” She smiled at the attention I’m giving her and I turn back to the large line up of people “I’m sorry everyone but due to complications this event may not continue. I formally apologize and hereby promise to hold another audience marathon in the near future. Thank you again and may you stay happy till doomsday.”

Knox seems pale as I make my way past him to leave and I know I hit a nerve. I know for a fact all leaders can recognize their people and it shouldn’t be hard for one of them to identify Knox as their own.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device your using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

Picture ^ or > is of Chloe's beautiful dress, pretty right? Or is it too Elsa? Oh well lets talk about what just happened, why was that dwarf arrested? And why was Knox looking a little pale at the end? Make your guesses!

Any way stay classy

TDD <3

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