"But he couldn't have done it alon—" Aurora noticed Percy's face drop, no doubt thinking about his mother in the Underworld. "Ocean eyes . . ." Aurora began. "I'm sorry about your mother. I'm so sorry . . ."

                         "The prophecy was right," Percy said. "'You shall go west and face the god who has turned.' But it wasn't Hades. Hades didn't want war among the Big Three. Someone else pulled off the theft. Someone stole Zeus's master bolt, and Hades's helm, and framed me because I'm Poseidon's kid. Poseidon will get blamed by both sides. By sundown today, there will be a three-way war. And I'll have caused it."

                         Grover shook his head, mystified. "But why would Ares turn?"

                         Suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle cut into their conversation. Everyone turned around at the noise, knowing what was to come and noticed the god of War. He waited for them, in his black leather duster and his sunglasses, an aluminum baseball bat propped on his shoulder. His motorcycle rumbled beside him, its headlight turning the sand red.

                         "Hey, kid," Ares said. "You were supposed to die."

                         "You absolute asshat!" Aurora marched up to him but was held back by Annabeth. "I knew you were up to something the minute I saw your hideous face!"

                         Ares smirked, "I gotta say, I'm most disappointed you came back alive."

                         Aurora's nostrils flared in annoyance. Not only did she lose her favorite rings, a couple of her favorite makeup pallets, and her outfits, but she also lost her patience.

                         "Oh! I'll show you!" She went to lunge but Annabeth held her shirt back.

                         "You have your mother's fierceness," Ares turned to Percy. "Keep a tighter leash on this one, kid. Much like you she's trouble."

                         "Excuse you!"

                         "Hey!" Percy cut in. "Last I remember Aphrodite had you on a leash."

                         Ares scoffed, "Careful, kid."

                         "You tricked me," Percy declared. "You stole the helm and the master bolt."

                         Ares grinned. "Well, now, I didn't steal them personally. Gods taking each other's symbols of power—that's a big no-no. But you're not the only hero in the world who can run errands."

                         "Who did you use? Clarisse? She was there at the winter solstice."

                         Aurora thought about the possibility of Ares using Clarisse. The daughter of Ares and The daughter of Aphrodite had never gotten along but that didn't mean they didn't know each other. Clarisse and Aurora have both been around each other for a while to know that neither would do such a thing.

                         The idea seemed to amuse Ares, "Doesn't matter. The point is, kid, you're impeding the war effort. See, you've got to die in the Underworld. Then Old Seaweed will be mad at Hades for killing you. Corpse Breath will have Zeus's master bolt, so Zeus'll be mad at him. And Hades is still looking for this . . ."

                         From his pocket he took out a ski cap—the kind bank robbers wear—and placed it between the handlebars of his bike. Immediately, the cap transformed into an elaborate bronze war helmet.

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