I felt like I was going in and out of consciousness as I felt his chest press against my back and his hips swaying against mine. His hands held a light grip on my waist as I purposefully stuck my ass out, brushing against his bulge.

We were practically grinding on each other. The alcohol was making me do things I normally wouldn't do. I almost blurted out right then and there that I wanted to make out with him.

The more intimately we danced, the more I let my mind wander.

I closed my eyes, imagining the two of us running out of here and sloppily making out in an empty classroom. I pictured myself getting down on my knees for him, knowing it would surely end differently from the last time I got drunk and gave someone a blowjob.

Anthony wasn't like Draco. He'd return the favor for sure.

I opened my eyes, guiltily enjoying the feeling of his arms wrapped around my waist, when I spotted a streak of platinum blonde hair across the room.

I stopped in my tracks, rubbing my eyes as I squinted through the crowd.

The effects of the alcohol were starting to dissipate.

Draco was leaning back against a thick marble pillar, making out with a girl from Beauxbatons.

I stepped away from Anthony's grip, causing him to furrow his brows and slur out the words, "Heyy, where are you going?"

Ignoring his remark, I began stumbling closer to see if I was just imagining things, or if the boy I was falling for really was making out with another girl.

I clenched my fists once I was about ten feet away from Draco.

My eyesight didn't fail me after all.

Draco was full out snogging the Beauxbatons girl he had been talking to the night of the Yule Ball.

I couldn't even hear the music or Anthony's shouts anymore. Biting the inside of my cheek, I fought back tears as I watched a sober-looking Draco roam his hands around the girl's body, doing to her exactly what he had done to me.

Running his hands through her hair, tracing small circles in her back, cupping her ass with his large hands...

All I wanted was for the alcohol to drown me in delirium again. But the longer I watched, the more quickly I sobered up.

I let out an involuntary sob before clasping my hand over my face to suppress the cries. I hate crying in public.

I hate falling for people who treat me like shit.

I hate Draco Malfoy.

Wheeling around, I began running for the exit of the Room of Requirement. Luckily, all of my friends were too drunk to notice me departing. I knew they would've offered to keep me company if they had seen me, but right now, I just wanted to be alone.

I sprinted down the corridors, not being able to see where I was going due to all the tears that blurred my vision. My poorly suppressed sobs would echo throughout the empty halls every now and then. I furiously wiped away the tears that were now flowing down my face; the saltiness burned my cheeks, making them dry and irritated.

I had just started making my way up a staircase, grabbing the railing for support, when I heard his voice.


I halted in my tracks. My heart suddenly started pounding in my chest–both due to anger and the fact that he still gave me butterflies despite everything that had happened.

"Alora, please," his voice started breaking.

I discreetly reached underneath my dress to grab my wand. I was fuming at this point.

Whirling around, I pointed my wand at Draco and yelled, "Stupefy!"

The spell sent him flying through the air as he crashed into the wall on the other side of the foyer.

I tucked my wand back underneath my dress before continuing my trek up the staircase.

"Alora, I just want to talk!" his voice broke the tense silence.

I stopped on the stairs once again. Whipping my head around, I watched as he fumbled whilst trying to pick himself back up.

"Oh, please!" I cried, fresh tears started to brim my eyes once again. "When have you ever wanted to just talk? The only thing we ever did was fuck."

"That's not true, and you know that!" Draco shouted, pointing a finger at me as tears started forming at the edge of his eyes as well.

"Don't deny it, Malfoy. I was only ever a good shag to you," I spat, turning around to face the top of the staircase.

I darted up the stairs, hearing his footsteps behind me. Once I had reached the top landing, I felt his hand grab one of my wrists, forcing me to wheel around and face him.

I winced as he dug his nails into my wrist and thrashed my arm to try to get him to let go, "Fuck, Malfoy, that hurts!"

His eyes widened once he realized what he had done and let go. Guilt immediately consumed him as his eyes quivered.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Please, Alora, just listen–"

"No!" I retorted. "No, Malfoy, you listen to me. I can't believe I wasted a whole year on some boy who only ever saw me as a game. I feel so fucking stupid for thinking that we actually had something a-and for falling in love with you–"

"You're falling in love with me?" Draco's eyes wavered as he stared up at me.

My breath hitched as my stomach churned.

Fuck, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Draco took a step forward, causing me to take a step back.

"Wait, Alora–"

I shook my head, letting the tears that had been brimming my eyes stream down my cheeks. I didn't want to hear whatever excuse he had.

Without another glance at him, I spun around and began making my way up to the Ravenclaw tower.

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