№55|Scars On The Heart

Start from the beginning


Ever since Montego learned of Chelia’s pregnancy, he’d sleep with his arms around her and fall asleep to the sound of his child’s soft heartbeat inside the mother's stomach.

“What should we name it?” Montego asked, looking up at the beautiful fairy.

“I was thinking Ophelia if it’s a girl, and Ezio if it’s a boy.” Chelia replied, stroking Montego’s hair. “I wanted to use O and E as their first letter because of your parents.”

She sat up, glancing down at Montego who was entranced by her and the new baby’s heartbeat. “It’s a little louder…” Montego smiled, kissing Chelia’s stomach. “You get that strength from your mom, ya know?”

“Montego,” Chelia lifted his head, “I want you to be in this baby’s life, but I can’t do that if you won’t tell me what happened in the past.”

Montego whimpered, ultimately sighing. He sat beside Chelia, intertwining his fingers with hers. “Chelia,” Montego’s voice grew serious, “what I’m gonna tell you is gonna be a lot to take in. Are you sure you’re ready?”

Chelia nodded, resting her free hand under his chin, leaning in to kiss is dull toned lips. “I’m ready.” She placed their intertwined hands on her stomach. “We’re ready.”

“Okay…” Montego released a shaky breath. “Before I joined Barron’s pack, my family and I lived on an island called Naxos in Greece.”

Chelia nodded, urging him to continue. “Growing up there… it was amazing.” Montego smiled, thinking back to his younger years.

The golden toned wolf rushed through the streets of Naxos with a fish in his mouth, frequently looking behind him to see his older sister, Titiana, chasing him.

“You get back here, Montego!” Titiana laughed, chasing her younger brother into their backyard. She crouched down, maneuvering between the tall grass. She smirked, stalking towards her brother before pouncing on him.

Montego laughed, spitting the fish out of his mouth. Titiana smiled, getting off. “You took my fish!” Titiana nudged him playfully.

“You weren't fast enough.” Montego smirked, nudging her back.

Montego’s mother, Odelette, walked into the backyard, holding a tray with a jar of lemonade and four empty glasses. “Montego, did you take your sister’s fish again?” Odelette chuckled, placing the tray down on the patio table.

“Yes!” Titiana replied for him. “He took it. Again!”

Montego laughed, shifting back into his human form. “Not my fault Titiana was too busy flirting with Calix.”

Titiana blushed hard, shifting into her human form as she sat down at the table. “I-I-I wasn’t flirting with him!”

“Awe,” Odelette pinched Titiana’s cheeks, “did you finally tell Calix you liked him? His mom says that he’s been having eyes for you for the longest.”

“Mom!” Titiana blushed harder.

“I don’t know why you’re complaining over that one fish.” Montego shrugged. “Calix caught you a ton of other ones.”

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