"Alice! Rose!"

The two looked up and smiled and walked over.

"Hey!" Rose said, and she and Alice gave us hugs.

"So tomorrow is Saturday, and Ara thought we should all do a girls trip to Hogsmede with one another tomorrow! We're asking Addy and Olive too," I explained.

They smiled brightly.

"I love it! We should totally do that!" Alice exclaimed.

I beamed. "Perfect!"

"What's perfect?" Lysander asked, walking over to us.

Candace grinned. "We're having a girls day tomorrow. No boys," she stated proudly.

We all giggled and he frowned.

"So no Addy?"

I laughed. "No Addy."

"Noooo!" he whined.

"Shut up!" Hugo shouted.

We all laughed.

"Thanks Hugo!" I yelled.

He smirked. "No problem."

We all talked for a bit more, and then went off to the Slytherin commonroom.

We walked inside, and I saw Scorpius, Albus, Alex, Noah, Addy, and Olive sitting around and talking.

The moment Scorpius layed his eyes on me, he jumped up, and ran over, picking me up and hugging me tightly.


I laughed. "Hey Scorpy, what's up."

He smirked. "Nothing. I was bored talking to those idiots, but now you're here so now I'm no longer bored."

"YOU ASS I HEARD THAT!" Alex shouted.

I burst out laughing, and Scorpius carried me over to where he was sitting and sat back down, and I cuddled up against him.

"So why're you guys here?" Asked Noah.

Candace sat down in front of me, and I started braiding her hair, and Arabia sat down next to Albus, and he started playing with her hair.

Scorpius caught on, and started doing my hair too. I laughed softly.

"Well, we're here to tell Addy and Olive something," Arabia said.

The two girls looked up and gave us mischevious smiles.

"What'd you two do?" I muttered.

Addy grinned evily. "I put dye in Lysander's shampoo!"

I laughed.

"And I just made all of Lorcan's bathroom necessities disappear," Olive said smugly.

Arabia hooted. "THANKS SIS! I'll know what to do with Albus's things now!"

"Oh come on!" he complained.

I laughed. Scorpius leaned down next to my ear.

"You wont do anything to my stuff right?"

I grinned. "Guess we'll have to find out~"

He rolled his eyes. "If you do, no hugs, kisses, cuddles, visits-"

"Okay okay I won't!" I pouted, slumping.

He laughed and kissed my head.

"Anyways, we're having a girls day tomorrow at Hogsmede, boys are not coming," Candace said.

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