The Battle of Camp Half-Blood

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I know the battle/fight scene was really short, sorry!!

Piper lay in bed thinking everything through, this was the second time she ran away, at least consider her friends! She shifted in bed and sighed, Maybe I should tell my friends? Piper gripped her pillow, fine, the stage was set. She was going to tell her friends about the dream and pray to the gods that this was going to work out.

The next day she hesitantly approached Annabeth. She waved and Piper quickly recited the lines she had repeated in her head the entire night. "I need to talk to you," she glanced around nervously, "in private."

Annabeth cast her a worried look, "Are you ok? Nightmare?" She guessed. Piper nodded, "Well, in my dream, you guys were surrounding me. And," She hesitated, "you guys were dead." Annabeth grew silent for a few minutes, "Who?" she asked out of the blue, indicating Piper to name the people who were dead around her." She tilted her head for a moment and thought. "Well, Leo, Jason, Percy, Hazel, Frank, and you." Annabeth nodded, "The Seven from the prophecy."

Piper hadn't realized that until now. It WAS the seven from the prophecy. She let out a tortured gasp. "Do you think it's true?" "I don't know." Annabeth murmured, "I mean, how long have you been holding this in?" "One day." Piper announced solemnly. "ONE DAY?" Annabeth bellowed. She slapped Piper across the face, "YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD US THE MINUTE YOU GOT THE DREAM!" Annabeth stood up, and Piper sighed, "I knew you would react like this." And she walked out the door. As she walked out, she could feel someone dragging her down, and once again, Piper woke.

It was just a dream, it was just a dream. She recited as she attempted to approach Annabeth. She took one step forward, and back another. No, I can't do it! Piper shook her head as she gave herself a pep talk. You've looked death in the eye before! Why heck would you be scared of this? And without a sound, she swiftly tapped Annabeth's shoulder.

She nodded silently as Piper explained the nightmare. "I'll think about it" was all she said, and Piper walked out the door just in time for the destruction of camp.

"What the hell is going on?" Piper shouted. She was answered by a roar of a monster, then several monsters. She quickly unsheathed her dagger and ran to find the enemy. As Piper dashed through the trees of the forest, she met up with Leo, who was chucking grenades at one huge mess of Titan. It's skin was red with a huge helmet to cover its face, oh and did she mention it was 5 times bigger than her? So this is Tatarus. She thought with a shiver. NOT someone you wanted as a next-door neighbor. He bellowed and brought out his double duel swords. Slashing down trees attempting to kill the demigods at all cost. 

Her friends met up with Piper, causing more worry and stress amongst the girl. Annabeth gave her a tiny nod, indicating "You go up and distract him while I attack from the back." Hazel and Frank ran to the other side clearing the way for Annabeth to make a quiet and quick attack. Piper slashed the god's leg, thick pools of ichor gushed out of the cut as he swatted Piper away. Annabeth was about to stab the god's back, but he turned around and with a quick swipe of his sword, Annabeth fell and her blood flowed freely. 

"ANNABETH!!" Percy shouted. He raced towards her while cursing at Tartarus. Anger bubbled up inside Piper as the monster went after Percy. He was not gonna hurt another one of her friends. "LOOK AT ME." Piper bellowed. She channeled the best of her charmspeak into the words.

 Surprisingly, the titan turned away from Percy and Annabeth, obviously confused. The last thing it heard was the whoosh of water as the son of Poseidon wrapped the water around Tartarus's neck and started to squeeze. The god slashed at the water, but naturally, nothing happened. It turned on Percy and the battle started again. He threw his sword at Percy and Annabeth, only to be deflected by one of Leo's grenades. 

After a while, the swords felt heavy in the demigods' arms. They weren't doing too good either. It felt like hours until the god began to choke and flail his arms. On the last resort, he roared as eight arrows shot out of his mouth and raced towards Jason. He stood there with shock, and regained his senses deflecting the arrows off his blade. Tartarus sunk into the floor, one measly arrow was the only thing left. 

The demigods started home tired after such a long fight. Piper tilted her head to hear a quiet whistling sound. She whipped around and saw the arrow heading straight for Jason's back. That kind of hit would be fatal, Piper did the first thing that popped into her mind. "Jason!" She raced forward and felt the cold metal embed itself in her flesh. She straightened her back, eyes wide, and let out a howl. The arrow had hit it's mark right between Piper's shoulders. She began to fall forward, only to be caught by Jason. "I knew it." was the last thing she said before a Piper fell unconscious.

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