The battle continued. Riley and Daniel we now separated from each other. Riley began shooting a rapid attack of jet shocks at Daniel. Daniel was slicing each one in half.

Then Daniel returned his own attack: throwing knives. Blades that shot out of his body went flying to Riley, who deflected all of them by spinning her scythe.

"I am getting bored Riley. How about we finish this off with full power?" Daniel said grinned.

"The building might crumble."

"Don't worry about it. The battle zone repairs itself. I am going to go all out, and so should you."

Riley nodded. She dropped to one knee and slammed her palm into the ground. A nearly invisible shock wave spread out from her hand and spread out in every direction. Everyone was thrown backwards, including Daniel.

Fortunately, no wall crumbled from this attack. Daniel stood up and re-focused himself. Then he charged back.

The next scene went so fast it was a blur to everyone but Daniel and Riley.

They clashed blades in such a way that Riley had to release her scythe to break free of Daniel. She ducked under him, sending three small jet shocks to his chest, which was just enough to free her scythe. Once she had her scythe back, she struck Daniel on the side of the head with the back of the blade.

Daniel stumbled over as Riley prepared to finish him. She used jet shock to launch herself into the air with her scythe over her head.

Daniel rolled out of the way just in time. Riley's strike split the ground in two. She pulled it out and turned to Daniel.

Neither student seemed to be ready to give in yet.

"I think it is time to turn it up a notch, don't you think Riley? We can do better."

Riley responded with a monotone voice. "Ok."

They both charged again, shouting as they ran. Daniel blocked Riley's attack with his right blade, then spun around her and jabbed her with his left elbow.

Riley stumbled but stayed on her feet. She shot a jet shock wave at Daniel, who sliced it in two.

Riley shot three more at Daniel, who had a bit of difficultly destroying them all. Riley grinned. She knew what to do.

Another three jet shock burst came flying in towards Daniel. Riley then shot herself at him. While Daniel was able to bat away the three jet shocks, he had no time to react to Riley. In the end, Riley eliminated Daniel with one clean cut.

"Match over, Riley wins."

The room became light again. Daniel stood up. Looking very frustrated, Daniel kicking the ground and moped over to Luke and Cerce.

Luke began to chuckle at his expense.

"Dude, you just got beaten up by a princess." He laughed.

"Shut up." Daniel groaned.

"I win Daniel." Riley said slowly approaching. A small hint of a grin appeared on her face.

Meanwhile, another 2nd year walked up to Mrs. Liech and took a look at the list of students. She had blonde hair. She was rather bulky. Not so much in the arms, like Stanley, but more in the stomach. Luke watched her with overwhelming curiosity. She looked like she had been through many battles.

"Your abilities are awesome!" Cerce exclaimed, startling Luke.

"Nothing special." Daniel shrugged.

Riley remained silent.

Cerce tried to get her to talk. "Riley, that shock wave was so cool. And powerful too."

No response.

Cerce sighed, seeing as though she was clearly not going to get anything out of her.

"That's 49-46 now isn't it?" Daniel stated after doing some calculating in his head.

Luke's jaw dropped. "That's 95 times!" he exclaimed.

Daniel nodded.

"Cerce Temple?" Mrs. Liech shouted. "Which one of you brats is Cerce Temple?"

Cerce slowly raised her hand.

"Yes Mrs. Liech?"

"You are fighting me." The girl said crossing her arms.

"You got a lot of nerve there girl." Mrs. Liech said walking to Cerce. Mrs. Liech towered over the frightened Cerce with a face that would make Satan cry. "How dare you not volunteer when you have the highest CR for a girl in the school's history?"

"I thought Riley had the highest score?" Daniel said as Cerce handed over her card.

The girl, Jessica, had 345 CR points. It seemed that Cerce's odds of winning were nearly impossible.

That was, until Cerce's number appeared on the screen.

Everyone was stunned. Her number was unheard of until today. 374. That was nearly as high as Luke's number.

Cerce's face was completely serious as she slipped on a dark green cloak. The cloak had golden edges on the hood. Her hood was up, covering most of her face.

"I grant approval over death!" Mrs. Liech called out. The room once again darkened.

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