🦅 LXXIV: Hidden Boss (6)

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Even Ukai Kenshi is left with no choice but to only think about it. They've never encountered such a player before. They're weapons were running out and everything had been so easily countered. Even if it was like a gender bender Hoshiumi, this was taking the word, "one man army" a little too far.

Though one thing was clear as their attacks kept failing.

"This is definitely professional standards." The coach says and he was certain about it. Yachi Hitoka only blinks before nodding. She was already convinced about it at this point and was just waiting to take action.

"We should search her name just in case." He suggests to their manager. The blonde girl immediately puts out a tablet, ready to search it online until a certain dilemma was raised.

"Hinata? What's Clara-chan's surname again?" She asks their ace from afar. The orange headed spiker blinks, thinking about it.

"Ah! It's in my phone. But I think it's on the bags the guys returned to the sleeping quarters." He scratches the back off his head.

"Way to go, you idiot." His setter immediately scolds him and he glares at him.

"Ahh!" But Hinata Shoyo beams as he tries to remember. "It starts with R. I think." He says and he mumbles.

"Romo. Romi. Roma. Ahh."

"... Romero?" A first year asked out of nowhere and the spiker immediately remembers.

"Ahhh! That's right, it's Romero!" He beams before looking at the freshman.

"How'd you know that?" The upper classman asked his junior and the boy only points at you and your figure.

They all suddenly looked your way.

You walked back to the court casually.

You looked seriously sideways, fixing your ponytail. The gazes turn towards you as you absent-mindedly walked all the way to the court. And yes, you were sticking out.

You were clad in a black fit jersey with yellow and a green tints on the side of it as well as the occasional blue colored edges.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora