Ranboo and Technoblade visit Targay

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This is gonna be semi short, don't worry they won't all be like this!

Inspired by a part in Ranboo's livestream on Twitch titled, "Bruh where am I?"


It was Wednesday February 2nd and Ranboo and Techno were strolling through L'manburg chatting quietly among themselves. They were walking down the prime path admiring all the beautiful not blown up builds. There are tall builds, short builds, wide builds, colorful builds, builds of every caliber you could imagine. They stopped and examined the structures every once in a while, sometimes even going inside of them and stealing a few items here and there. 

There one one specific build that caught Ranboo's eye though, It was a build made by a member by the name of Captain Puffy. It was a fairly large build with a white front and a red back, rainbow sides and rainbow glass in the front of the build signifying the rainbow and gay pride flag! Ranboo had seen this build plenty of times in the past but this was the first time he actually took time to acknowledge its presence. 

While Ranboo was marveling at the sight of the very colorful build Technoblade was spreading propaganda. The propaganda was telling people to go against the government and join him and Philza, the creator of minecraft, instead. Once he had ran out fanart to place he turned back to the boy who he had recently adopted and gotten very attached to. He noticed that Ranboo was staring at Targay, in his monotone voice he asked the boy, "Uhh, do you- um- want to go in there?  Cause we can if you want." Ranboo turned to him pure happiness visible in his green and red eyes, he nodded his head violently, "Yes please!" Techno let out a huff of approval and grabbed the younger boys hand leading him towards the entrance of the store.

Once they were half way through the door Ranboo let out a gasp of excitement upon seeing a grass block, "Oh grass!" He exclaimed letting go of his dads hand and sprinting over to it. He lifted the green and brown block off the floor with his silk touch hands. He turned back to his dad who was already strolling towards him, the young boy had a smile plastered on his face. He happily bounced up and down showing his grass to Techno.

Techno knelt down and ruffled Ranboos short white and black hair playfully. Ranboo placed the grass block in Technos hands and sprinted away to see what else the store had that he could explore. He turned a corner and let out another excited gasp. Techno was still in the same spot Ranboo had left him at. He assumed his son had found more grass, and his question was soon answered by an excited Ranboo rushing back to him with three more grass blocks. "Theres so much grass Techno!" (Ranboo hasn't called Techno dad yet, but don't worry you'll get a oneshot where he does)  Techno let out a chuckled, "Really?" he asked. Ranboo nodded his head and dragged Techno towards the rest of the grass. 

They spent about 10 more minutes in there picking up all the miscellaneous grass blocks, in the end they had a total of 17 grass blocks. Ranboo loved that memory and he hoped he would never forget it.


592 words

Kinda short but eh

I had fun writing that and hopefully you enjoyed reading it!

Love you all so much!!!

I'll try to update everyday!

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