Chapter 50: Misbehaving

Start from the beginning

"Sir, evacuation may be futile," Hill told her boss as he continued to walk briskly towards the room that held the problem object in question.

"Should we tell them to go back to sleep? "Fury asked, sarcastically.

"If we can't control the tesseract's energy, they may not be a minimum safe distance."

"I need you to make sure that all the Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out," Fury said as he turned to face his second in charge that was following him.

"Sir, is that really a priority right now," Hill asked, questioning man's priorities.

"Until such a time that the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech bellow. Every piece of Phase 2 needs to be on a truck and gone."

"Yes, sir," she said as she turned to the agents around her, needing them to help with the remove the items. "With me."

As the agents hurried to follow Fury continued to walk into the radiation facility that housed the tesseract, looking for Dr. Selvig. The room was filled with agents and technicians as they rushed to pack all the important machinery that was surrounding them. Finally, he found the doctor behind one of the lagers machines.

"Talk to me doctor."

"Director," Selvig replied, moving from the machine that held the cube that was growing brighter by the second.

"Is there anything we know for certain?"

"The tesseract is misbehaving," the doctor replied in an uneasy voice.

"It that supposed to be funny?"

"No, it's not funny at all. The tesseract is not only active, she's...misbehaving," the doctor said, trying to find the words to explain what was happening.

"How soon until you pull the plug?"

"She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..." he says, frustrated that the director doesn't seem to understand.

"We've prepared for this doctor. Harnessing energy from space," Furry said, thinking back to when he first met Carol Danvers.

"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation."

"That can be harmful," Fury said, thinking about what gamma radiation had done to Bruce Banner. "Where's Barton?"

"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual."

Fury looked up to see Clint Barton, who was dressed in full black tactical gear, in the scaffolding of the building. He was in the corner of the room, perched in his spot, actively watching his environment around him as he looked for any signs of danger.

"Agent Barton, report," Furry called as he watched the expert marksman walk along one of the catwalks and rappels down to the ground.

"I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things," Fury snapped the agent.

"Well, I see better from a distance," Barton shrugged as if it should have been obvious.

Fury rolled his eyes at the agent who seemed to take his code name of Hawkeye too seriously.

"Are you seeing anything that might set thing off," he asked as a NASA scientist approached Dr. Selvig.

"Doctor, its spiking again," Selvig to him in a panicked voice, as Fury realised that the situation was getting worse by the second.

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