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fuck this. i'm going for a walk.

as i walk through the dusky evening, the street lights were shining down on the road, cars driving up and down the street honking at each other like idiots, it felt nice, quite even, but it was still noisy.

as i continue to walk, i run into this kid. me thinking to myself 'what the hell is a five year old out here so late' words escape his mouth

"h-hello can you p-please help me find my m-mom?" he questioned in fear.

"of course i can, do you know where she could be?" i asked.

"uh.." he points his finger to his chin as he tries to think. that's actually adorable. "i think sh-"

"jeonghoon is that you?" a trembled voice occurs in the distance behind me as the women got closer.

"eomma-" the little boy said.

"i've been worried sick don't run off like that again please, i couldn't thank you enough" a sound of relief came from her voice while she looked deeply into my eyes.

"don't thank me please i was only trying to help an innocent little boy" i smile at the mother. if only my own mother was that caring towards me.

as i continue to walk along the path, staring down at my feet, looking up and the cloudy, but clear night sky, along with a full moon beaming down, i arrive at the central park.

i slowly walk towards a bench and sit down. i sigh, thinking on why my mother gets so annoyed, screaming and shouting at me for no reason, as she holds a bottle half filled with vodka in her hand glaring towards me as if she wishes she never had me.

as i got deeper into my feelings, a bit too deep, a tear escapes my left eye, slowly rolling down my cheek.

i quickly whipe it off with my sleeve and got up.

i start walking towards my favourite café, i walk in, hearing the chimes of the bells every time.someone comes in and out of here, the smell of coffee, people having conversations, and waiters running up and down, from left to right from each table.

i walk up, step by step, get closer and closer to the till as the people infront or me order, until it's my turn.

"i'll have a large iced coffee please" i tell the cashier.

"perfect, anything else ma'am?" he replied.

"nope that's all" i replied back.

"okay so that's going to be 4.95 when you are ready"

i give him five, as i say he can keep the change.

as i patiently wait to get my coffee by the pick up area, i gaze around, trying to find a free seat. as i get my coffee, i peer to the free table that's next to the large window.

i put my coffee on the table, along with my coffee, my wallet and my phone down, i sit myself down on the comfortable, black sofa chair, taking out my phone and scrolling through social media, as i take small sips of my coffee.

minutes go by and a couple, i think, sits down on the free seats next to me with their drinks.

i try not to listen to their arguing but I couldn't help myself, maybe because they just wouldn't fucking shut up oh my good gracious. i couldn't help myself to giggle quietly, but the guy looked at me but ignored it.

the girl suddenly just storms off in a huff. i didn't really know why because i was not in the mood to properly listen to every word, but the person i am, i had to say something.

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