[fourty-seven] messaging

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beautiful baby they have, huh?

i did everything you wanted.
just... let me get my life back

do you really think she'd take you back?
she's with Chris now. they had
a baby, sebastian.

i can't believe you're doing this.
you made me say those things to her.
she's never going to forgive me now.

and the premiere for ca:cw is
in a few months, isn't it?

next month, yes.

and she'll be there..
with him, and not you.

I'm aware.

well, at least she's happy,
is she not?
that's what you wanted.

because you threatened us!
you threatened her, i would
do anything for that girl.

and now she's the mother of your
best friend's baby. all because
you didn't want me releasing
her past. the past that I've known
for a long time. the past not even
the world knows. or most people.
only you, robert, and susan, correct?

you're sick.
what kind of person are
you? i mean, you were her
best friend!

well, I want chris back. i mean
layla did introduce us all those
years ago.

jenny please. just...
i did what you asked. now
come clean. let me come clean.

jenny slate
oh, Sebastian. naive, little, Sebastian. 
you have no idea do you?
the baby is yours! think about it.
you two had just broken up when she would've gotten
pregnant. the timeline fits, but i know
layla is sure it's chris'
but... i did mess with the DNA tests, so
it does say that Chris is the father. 

you what?

jenny slate
the baby is yours.
i don't know how you didn't
see it!
as for, ellie, obviously that's not yours
so.... good luck.
good luck convincing layla of
all of this.
oh, and good luck with your baby,
you know, 'baby evans'

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