[thirty-six] real life

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It had been a week since Sebastian proposed to Layla and the two were still over the moon. For the past week, Layla took every chance possible to look at the gorgeous ring, twisting it around her finger carefully, the diamonds sparkling as it was a new ring. "You look at it any longer and you'll decide you want a bigger one." Layla's new fiance joked, making her giggle. "Shush, I love it and I love you." She smiled, kissing him. 

He looked down at the girl as he sat down on the couch next to her. "So, I saw some comments... People think we're doing all of this so fast, you know, getting engaged and all." Layla mumbled. "What do you think, doll? It's our relationship, not anyone else's." She shrugged. "I'm happy. That's all that matters, right?" He nodded. "That's exactly it. What matters is our happiness and we're both happy so who cares what anyone else thinks!" 

Layla looked over at him. "Have you talked to anyone else about it?" He nodded. "I've talked to Mackie and Liz. They're happy for us. They want to be best man and maid of honor." He chuckled. She giggled. "Mom and dad are really happy. They can't wait." Layla smiled. "Have you told your mom?" Sebastian nodded, shaking his head as he laughed. "God, she went crazy. She bawled her eyes out. She literally loves you and congratulated me on how lucky I was to get you as my wife." Layla looked up at him. "Awe! I love your mom."

The two sat together in Layla's apartment in silence as the television droned on in the background. "So, I was thinking..." Sebastian said. "That worries me." Layla joked, making the both of them laugh. "No, it's good. Promise. But I was thinking, either before or after the wedding, you and I could move in together? What do you think?" She smiled. "You really want to move in together?" She looked up at him. "Yeah, get a house just for the two of us... and the little Stan's when it comes to it." He smiled, making her tear up. 

"Hey, shh, why are you crying, angel?" She shook her head. "I'm just really happy." She mumbled against his neck as he wrapped his arms around her. "Happy tears?" She nodded. "Happy tears." He leaned down, placing a kiss on Layla's hair. "I love you, Seb." Sebastian kissed her head again. "And, I love you." Her phone began ringing as she looked to see Elizabeth calling. "Hey, Lizzie!" 

The two talked for ten minutes before it was decided Layla would go to see Lizzie, Mackie, and Chris. Sebastian was going to go, but he had to rehearse some lines for the final scenes he needed to film. "So, I have news," Layla spoke as she walked into the room. "Ooh, what?" Lizzie spoke excitedly. "Sebastian and I are going to move in together. We're getting a house." The three looked at Layla in shock before Lizzie snapped out of it, hugging Layla. "Babe, that's so exciting!" 

Anthony nodded. "Congrats, kid. That's a big step." Layla smiled. "Oh, I know. It was Seb's idea. He said it was probably time to, especially after the wedding, so that way if we decide to... we have enough room for kids and pets and stuff." She trailed off, seeing Chris stare at her. "Bub? What do you think?" From behind Layla, Anthony and Elizabeth were staring at Chris. "I think it's good, sweetheart." He finally spoke. "You do? Honest?" He nodded slowly. "Honest." She smiled. "Oh, great. I wanted to get your guys' approval before moving on with it. Especially yours, bub. I know you and Seb are still trying to get along." His eyes softened at this. "You'll always get my approval as long as it's something totally not crazy, sweetheart." 

Anthony and Elizabeth shared a look before looking back at the pair. "So, have you guys planned the wedding yet or..?" Layla looked at them. "I dunno, he and I haven't really discussed a date yet." For the rest of their time hanging out, the three drank, talked, and laughed. "I'm glad we got to do this." Layla smiled. "Do you need a ride? I know you took an uber, didn't you?" Layla nodded. "I'll take her." Chris offered making the girl smile. "Alright, let's go. Gotta get to the fiance." She joked. 

The two left Elizabeth's house, walking to Chris' car. "Thanks for taking me home, bub." Layla looked over at him. "You're welcome, Lay." She buckled her seatbelt. "So, tell me, how do you really feel about the engagement? You seem.. off, Chris." He sighed. "Layla, please, not now." She groaned. "Chris, please! You're my best friend." He looked at her as he stopped at a red light. "That's exactly it, Layla! I'm your best friend." For the rest of the car ride, the two sat in silence, the only noise coming from the AC in the car. 

They finally pulled up to the apartment after what felt like an hour. "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what you want me to do. I love Sebastian, Chris! I'm marrying him whether you like it or not!" She glared at him. "I didn't want to fight. I'll see you whenever." She huffed, getting out of the car, slamming the door. Layla walked into the apartment, noticing the television was shut off. She walked to her bedroom, seeing Sebastian laying down on the bed. "Hey, doll. Have a good time?" She nodded softly, looking at Sebastian as she changed into his shirt, climbing into bed next to him. She yawned softly, curling against him. "G'night, Seb." "Goodnight, darling. I love you." He mumbled as the two drifted to sleep. 

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