[thirty-one] messaging/real life

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sebastian and robert

hey robert, can
we meet up?
i have something i want
to talk to you and susan about.

is everything okay?
it isn't layla, is it?

layla's fine, perfect actually.
but it is about her, yes.
so can we?

i just talked to susan and she said that
was fine so just swing by whenever.

okay, I'll be there in like
half an hour. I'm having
tom keep her busy.

Sebastian looked over at Layla, smiling softly at the girl who was currently laying on the couch, her head in his lap as the two watched a movie. "Princess?" "Hmm?" She mumbled sleepily, even though it was still quite early in the day. "I've got to go out for about an hour, sweetheart. I need to give a gift for my mother's birthday." She nodded slowly, lifting herself up off of his lap. "Okay, just be careful, alright?" He nodded, standing up. "I promise I'll be back soon." She smiled. "I love you." She mumbled as he kissed her. "I love you too, darling."

Sebastian had left which left Layla alone in the apartment. She grabbed her laptop, responding to work emails, as well as doing some online shopping. Layla ended up buying a few new shirts, pairs of shoes, and dresses. As she was working on her laptop, she noticed that her phone had begun to go off. 

liz to my wife layla

hey! so, ellen wanted me to reach
out to you! we're going on the show sometime
next month when you'll be out
of town for that photoshoot,
and she was thinking maybe you
could come on and surprise Sebastian?
i noticed that when she wants us on, it's coincidentally
your guys' anniversary! 

my wife layla
ooh! uh,, i should be able to get a day off!
I'll talk to the people at dujour!

oh great! how are you two doing?

my wife layla
good! he's out buying his mom a birthday
gift right now <3

awe cute!

my wife layla
he even mentioned the other day me
going with him to romania for a vacation this year
once promo for ca:cw ends! 

you have to, babe! 

my wife layla
i know!! 

The two talked for a few moments before Layla decided to get up and actually clean up around the house. She stood in her kitchen after she was finished, thinking about what she and Sebastian could have for dinner. "Maybe I'll make him something." She mumbled. She got all sorts of ingredients out of the kitchen cabinets and began making alfredo. As the food was just about finished, Sebastian walked in with a wide smile. "What smells so good?" She giggled softly. "Dinner, babe." Layla felt hands wrap around her waist and a kiss being placed on her shoulder.

"So, what did you get for your mom?" She asked. "Oh, uh... just a little necklace." He spoke, getting out plates for the two of them. "That's nice, Seb. I'm sure she'll love it." Layla said. The two sat down at the dining room table, eating their food in silence. "So, I was thinking of taking you on a date. Maybe this Saturday? What do you think? Just maybe a little picnic and hike? I know you like those." He spoke, looking up at the girl he adored so much. "That sounds like fun, so, hmmm, I guess I'll go." She teased. 

He chuckled softly. "Well, I'd hope so, angel." The two spent the rest of their night, wrapped up in each other's arms on the couch as they watched a few movies. "I wish we could be like this forever, Seb." Layla breathed out. "I know, sweetheart, me too." He mumbled, kissing her forehead. "Why don't we get you to bed?" He spoke, standing and picking her up bridal style, carrying her into the bedroom. He carefully shut the door closed with his foot. 

He gently laid her on the bed, looking at the girl with a soft smile. "Let's get you changed, okay?" He mumbled, helping her sleepy form change into one of his t-shirts. "I love you, Seb." She mumbled, laying her head against his chest. "I love you, even more, angel." He smiled, placing a kiss on her head.  "Are you coming to bed?" She asked, her eyes softening as she pushed to keep them open. "I'll be there in a second." He spoke, moving into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. As he stood in the bathroom, he opened the medicine cabinet, getting out a black box. He opened it slowly, careful as to hope it wouldn't make a sound. 

His smile widened as his light grey eyes stared down at the shiny diamond ring that was placed into the box. "Please say yes." He mumbled, looking down at the ring once more before placing it back and closing the cabinet door. He left the bathroom, walking to his side of the bed. "Finally! I was beginning to think you got lost." She joked, making him chuckle. "Around you? Never. You're my home, angel. I'll always find my way back to you." 

sorry for the short chapter but I'm sure the next chapter will make up for it! ;) 

hope you all enjoy the book so far! don't forget to comment and vote x 


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