Jill Roord #5 (Part 2)

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A/N : PART 2 since you guys seemed to enjoy the first part 😊

It's been a month since I've had that talk with Jill and we haven't seen each other since because of the winter break. But today, I'm transferring to Arsenal. I couldn't stand being in Lyon anymore, seeing my teammate and my ex-girlfriend all lovey-dovey day to day. So, the club has agreed to let me leave. Arsenal was the first club to call and I couldn't say no.

I'm walking in the training center with a big smile on my face. It feels good to be free. I meet Joe as soon as I arrive, and he wants me to meet my new team right away. The transfer stayed secret between the two clubs until yesterday when I've announced it to my former teammates. Some of them have been posting things on social media but none of them knew where I was going.

The girls from the Netherlands Team asked me what was going on, but I didn't say much. Jill asked me too, but I couldn't tell her the news since I want to surprise her. Joe leads me to the locker room and asks me to stay outside first.

"Okay, girls. Listen up." I hear him say. "I've got big news."

"New player?" I recognize Jordan Nobbs' voice.

"Exactly, I think you guys will be delighted to add another Dutch to our team." He opens the door. "Please, welcome Y/N Y/L/N."

"Craaaazy!" Daan jumps on me.

"Can't wait to play with you." Viv hugs me.

"You could have told me..." Jill whispers in my ear.

"Surprise, baby." I whisper back and she blushes.

"She won't be able to train today, but can you guys show her around?" Joe smiles.

"Sure thing." Leah Williamson says. "I'll take care of it."

I see Jill glaring at her, which makes Leah smirk. Lisa and Katie, that I know already, walk to me and lead me to the field. We talk about life and then, I end up watching the training with Steph Catley who is injured.

At the end of it, Jordan and Leah show me the center, and all the things I have to see and know to be okay around here.

"So, you're the one Jill is crushing on, right?" Leah smirks widely.

"I don't know, I might be." I smirk back.

"She will finally stop daydreaming and live her real life." Leah seems genuinely happy.

"I hope so."

Once we go back to the locker room, Viv offers to drive me back to her apartment, so Lisa can cook for me. I agree and we leave with Jill, Lisa and Viv. We have a good time all together and then, Jill asks me if I want to go home. I agree and we drive back to my new place. There is a silence but it's comfortable even if I can feel her tensed. I know her well and she definitely has something to ask me.

"What's up, Jillie?" I ask as I open my front door.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jill says out of the blue.

"Told you, I wanted to surprise you." I smile and she frowns.

"I would have done things to help you, find an apartment, buy furniture and all." She glances around my living. "Not that you needed any help with that."

"Some of my friends leaving here helped me, but it's sweet of you, really."

"Why Arsenal?" She wonders walking to the living room. "There's plenty of amazing teams around here."

"None of them has my favorite person in their squad." I smirk and she seems happy with that answer.

"Oh really?" She smirks back.

"Yeah, Viv is such an amazing player." I tease and she pouts.

"Oh... sure thing, Viv..."

"Just kidding." I laugh at her face. "I'm willing to give you a chance, I had to make you understand that."

"Message well received." She comes to me and opens her arms. "Welcome hug?"

I chuckle and hug her tightly. Since that moment, we are spending most of our time together. She is actually amazing with me and I couldn't ask for more. I can feel her getting closer and closer to me, and I won't be able to resist her for too long.

Today, she had a rest day while I had to go to some press events with Jordan and Kim. She told me to come home after 7 pm and to be dressed up nicely. It's now 7.15 pm and Kim drops me off.

"Jill, I'm back!" I yell in my apartment.

"Great! Stay here and close your eyes." She yells back.

I feel her walking to me and blindfolding me. She leads me to what I think is my living room and she takes the blindfold off my eyes. I discover a beautiful set up table with some roses and some candles.

"Wow, you did great." I turn to her with a big smile. "Wow, and you are great too."

"Thank you, love." She smiles brightly. "I prepared something for you, I hope you will like it."

"I don't even doubt about it." I kiss her cheek, and she makes me sit.

She goes to the kitchen and comes back with two glasses, white wine. She does know me well. We spend the evening talking about everything as if we didn't already know each other by heart. Then, we head to the couch and keep talking for hours.

"You know, there is something special about us." I admit.

"Oh, really?" She gets closer.

"Yeah, we can talk for hours and still find new things to discover." I explain. "And I never find things that I don't like about you." I get closer too.

"Great then, because I can't find a thing I don't like about you either." She plays with my hair softly. "Y/N?" She whispers and I nod. "Let me take care of you, please."

I don't answer but I lean in slowly. We stop as our lips almost meet and a light smile makes its way to my face. I can feel her frustration, so I close the gap between us. The kiss is soft and passionate. As we end it, Jill looks at me right in the eyes.

"I've been waiting for so long..." She whispers lovingly.

"I'm glad I gave you a chance." I whisper back.

"Get ready for happiness, Y/N." She kisses me once more.

"I can't wait."

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