Jill Roord #2

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A/N : Meeting her family.

It's been a couple months since Jill and I start dating. We are now almost official; well, the last step is for her to introduce me to her family. Our friends, teammates and coaches know about it, the fans found out really quick and my family love my Dutch girlfriend already. Yet, Jill is nervous about me meeting her family. She never has introduced anyone to her family, and it means we're a big deal now, which scares her to death.

"Remember, wait for me at the end of the game, I'll try to find them, and we'll go together, okay?" my beautiful girlfriend says to me for the millionth time.

"I get it, babe." I chuckle. "Don't be so nervous. They know about us, everyone knows now."

"You don't understand...." She looks at the ground sighing loudly.

"What is it?" I put my hand on her hips and make her come close to me.

"You're the first person I love enough to do this, I can't mess it up. I want them to love you just as much as I do." She explains while placing her head on my shoulder gently.

"And I'm sure they will. Viv and Dann were more than positive about it..." I caress her back trying to calm her nerves.

"I know..." She sighs again.

"Look." I make her look at me. "We love each other, and I want nothing but your happiness, I think they'll see it and it's going to be fine."

"How are you so confident?" She chuckles a bit putting her hands on both sides of my face.

"I've never been so in love with anyone in my life and it shows. Even my sister told me so. You told me about your family and how loving they are. Love recognize love. That's something my mother taught me. I'm sure they will see right through me and it doesn't scare me at all because I know deep inside me that you're the one I want to spend my life with."

"I love you so much." She says kissing me passionately.

            Couple hours later, I arrive at the Arsenal Stadium with some of my best friends and teammates, Lucy Bronze, Keira Walsh and Georgia Stanway. We are playing for Manchester City and whoever wins the game today will be our opponent in the Cup Final. We sit next to Leah's family as we know them well and I recognize Viv's family too. Just before kick-off, the camera stops on us making the crowd cheer loudly. That's the great thing with being a Lioness, people love you in the country. We wave slightly at the camera and I can see a smile forming on my girlfriend's face from where I'm sitting.

"So, you're the girl who makes my Jillie smile like this?" I hear someone speak behind me.

            I turn around surprised and see Jill's mother smiling at me. She is with Jill's father and her two brothers. I stand up with a smile and greet them politely.

"Seems like it." I smile widely. "It's so nice to meet you all. Jill can't stop telling me all about her family."

"I bet she is. She's a proud daughter." Her father winks at me.

"And a proud girlfriend." Boyd laughs behind. "All I hear about recently is how you have won the best Young Player of the Year and you being named in the Team of the Year."

"I'm not that great, I swear." I blush a bit but keep smiling to them. "Do you want to sit with us for the game?"

"Of course, that can be fun." Davy smiles at the offer.

            We chitchat a bit before the game starts to get interesting. Around the 20th minute, Jill manages to pass the ball to Viv beautifully and Viv scores calmly as usual. All the Arsenal fans cheer loudly, and I smile seeing my girlfriend all happy.

"Good ball, babe." I yell at her.

"Proud girlfriend too, I see." Davy chuckles next to me making me laugh with him.

"What can I say? She is great, she has to know it." I simply explain.

"It's fun to finally meet someone who loves my sister for real, you know?" He seems very serious suddenly. "She has been through some hard shit with her previous relationship. Never met them and don't regret it. But today, I can tell you're going to stay for a long time in the family."

"Nothing would make me happier, truly." I give him a small smile and focus back on my girl.

            Nothing happens until the 87th minute, when Leah sends a long ball to Dann in deep. The Dutch girl manages to take the ball with her in the box before passing it to Jill who just has to put it in the net. She hugs Dann and points toward the stand where I'm standing and makes a heart sign with her hands.

"Never have seen so much love in your life." My best friend Georgia whispers to me.

"We're happy for you, bro." Lucy side hugs me. "You deserve it."

            When the referee blows the end of the game, I realize I will have to play again Jill during the Final, but love will not have its chance that day... all the Arsenal girls arrive one by one near the stand and most of the team stop to talk with Keira, Lucy, Georgia and I. Leah jumps on me telling me they will beat our ass up during the Final and Viv tells me to be ready to face her at her best. I smirk and confidently answer my friends not acknowledging my girlfriend next to me.

"Don't be this confident, babe." She whispers in my ear. "You might have passed the family test today, but the Final will be another battle."

"Did I? Pass the test?" I grin widely turning my head to her.

"Most definitely. Davy and Boyd want you to come in holidays with us and Dad wants to invite you for dinner tonight." Jill explains me happily.

"She must have done a great first impression." Viv winks at Jill before joining Lisa and her family.

"Mom loves you already. She told me you're the most caring and beautiful girl she's ever met." My girlfriend tells me making me smirk.

"They are really great too; I had a great time watching the game with them." I kiss her sweetly.

"You were right." Jill admits with a grin. "Love recognize love."

            I chuckle at my silly but handsome girlfriend. She is the love of my life and I can't wait to spend more time with her and her family.

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