Jill Roord #3

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A/N : This year Christmas is not the same but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.

Christmas is the happiest time of the year. Well, at least, usually it is. Yet, this year seems so weird and frustrating. The government asked us to stay at home and not to form Christmas Bubbles. Fortunately, I won't be alone since I live with my good friend and teammate, Jill Roord.

            She is super fun and a bit crazy sometimes, but it is great to be around her mainly when you can't go home like you are used to do. Our club told us to stay in London during our holidays and our families aren't allowed to travel either. It makes Jill very sad since she loves to spend time with her family. This is why we agree in making this Christmas as fun as we can.

            We both decided to do a real Christmas dinner, and with our teammates we decided to buy little presents for each and every one so we could open it during a Zoom call on Christmas night. This is what we agreed on. I'll cook a bit of my country specialties while she will make me discover Dutch things. I know she is going to choose the music and the movie, so I told her I'll choose the drinks and snacks.

            It is now the big day, it is Christmas, but it doesn't snow. It just seems like any other day in London... I try to end this idea in my head, and I focus on what is really important now. Getting ready for the beautiful evening waiting for me. I've just finished to decorate the entire apartment as I used to do with my family. To say I'm happy and proud is an understatement. I look one last time at final result and go upstairs to change myself.

            I take a hot shower making me relax quickly and I dress up in a pretty black dress I've brought for the occasion. I look at my reflection for a second. I maybe want to impress a girl tonight. I chuckle at my silly self, finishing my make-up, when I hear the door open softly. Jill was at Beth and Dan's during the afternoon so I could prepare everything, and she cooked with her Dutch friend.

"Oh, God." I hear her whisper in awe. "Y/N! I'm home." She yells so I can acknowledge her presence.

"Are you ready already?" I ask from the bathroom not wanting to show myself.

"Almost. Are you?" She asks back.

"I'll be in a minute as well." I chuckle making her laugh.

"Did you dress up nicely or what is the plan?" She wonders.

"Be yourself, it'll be enough for me." I answer.

"Okay, love. Give me a minute." I can hear the smile in her voice.

            You see Jill and I are really close; we like to give each other cute nicknames, we hug all the time, we share a lot of moments whether it's at home or outside. We discover a lot of things together; we have the same friends who are still asking themselves why we don't act on our feelings since we're already just like a couple. But this is the truth. We are just too afraid to admit it in fear the other one will run away and destroy everything. So, until the day someone tries something, we are just acting like there is nothing between us.

            Knowing Jill will take a little more than a minute to be ready, I decide to go to the kitchen, and I take two champagne flutes. Then, I take the champagne in the fridge but when I turn back to put the drink in the flutes, I see Jill looking at me with her signature smirk.

"Looking really fancy and nice, I see." She compliments eyeing me.

"You're not so bad yourself." I try not to blush looking at her in her black suit and I start opening the bottle I have in my hands.

"You did a really great job at decorating the house, Y/N." She tells me looking around her.

"I might have heard it's your favorite time of the year, and I know how sad you were recently knowing you won't be able to make it home for tonight. So, I thought might as well make it the nicest night possible." I smile and hand her a flute.

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