"But we both know Austin. He is a very hard headed individual and he may not look at it that way. I guess what I'm trying to say is, please don't act impulsively at his actions. Give him sometime to process what you are putting on his plate" she said with a warm smile. I moved my gaze over to Austy sleeping peacefully in the pack and play.

"Jodie?" I asked her, my eyes not breaking contact with my precious little boy. I heard her utter out a small yes as I swallowed hard feeling emotions starting to creep over every part of my body. "Do you think he is going to like his son?" I asked her, slowly turning my head to look at her, tears starting to fill up in my eyes.

"Oh honey" she said pulling me into a hug rubbing my back slowly as I started crying in the comfort of her arms. She held me for a few short moments before she put me at a small arms length from her. She turned grabbing a tissue from the box she kept on the end table, "I keep these here when I'm watching my sappy movies on Hallmark whenever Rich isn't around, but shhh it's our secret he'd laugh at me if he knew" she smiled as she handed the soft white tissue to me as I wiped softly at my cheeks.

She studied me for a moment before she started to talk again, "Charlie I think he is going to love his son even if he doesn't show it at first. I also know that he is still going to love you" she said almost as if she had the ability to read my mind as that was going to be my next question. "Do I think he is going to be upset with you, unfortunately yes I do. But I know that the love he has for you will always be stronger than his frustrations" she smiled.

"How? How do you know?" I asked her shaking my head, a few stray tears still finding their way out of my eyes as they gently leaked down my face.

"Charlie, he always asked about you. Even when you guys weren't talking you would always be brought up in conversation. He cared and still does care about you so much. If he's upset with you it isn't going to be for long" she smiled, giving me a comforting feeling although something was still nagging inside of me that not everything was going to be roses and rainbows like she was saying.

"Jodie, what if he goes back without me. I would be crushed, I can't go through that pain again I just can't" I said, trying to swallow the tears that were threatening to come up again. She grabbed my hand in hers as she gave me what was a reassuring smile, but the words not feeling as such.

"Then it won't be forever, he'll just need some time to think. I know you two will be together Charlie just be patient" she said as we heard Casey and my parents walking towards the front door. We both stood up wrapping each other in a warm hug as I walked over to Austy, placing my lips gently on his head before walking to be with everyone else.

"So," I said letting out a breath. "I guess I will be back with Austin tomorrow around 5?" I said, trying to make the meeting as late as possible where Austy would still be awake, but I would still be able to spend as much time with Austin as possible before whatever happened happened.

"That sounds perfect honey. We will see you then" my mom said wrapping me in a hug and placing a kiss on my cheek. I gave quick hugs to Rich and my Dad before making my way behind Casey to her Mercedes.

The ride back to Casey's place was relatively quiet as I was trying to get back into happy Charlie state of mind. But try as hard as I could, I couldn't seem to shake the feeling that everything wasn't going to go as planned and that everything that I waited so long to get was going to seep through my fingers like water.


Austin's POV

I pulled back into Casey's driveway only to see that her and Charlie weren't back yet. I looked over at Mark who shrugged his shoulders but motioned for me to come with him down to the boat house. I turned off the car following him down the long wooden staircase. As soon as we made it inside it was like old times, a Bud Light being thrown into my hands as we headed to the dock to drink and shoot the shit. I sat with him and looked over the large lake, a nostalgic feeling washing over me.

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