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"A week had pass since I have been transferred on the first floor. No annoying Tzuyu annoying me each morning.
I had become closer to Taehyung and it makes me so happy. I really like him. He's soo cute. And each time he smile it makes me smile too.
Me, San and the guys still hang out together as soon as we can.
Today was Saturday I had let myself sleep so I woke up at 9am after a great night of sleep. I got dress and decided to go to the library.  Today we are supposed to meet and since Sandra will sleep late and Jimin have an appointment it means ill have some time with Tae! I then got to the library but je was no where to be found. I guess he's still sleeping. I decided to put my headphones and read the book I had been reading in the last week. In hope I could finally finish it. Not that it isn't good but Jimin had recommended me a book that seemed nice. It surprised me that he read books. I guess there's still a lot that I don't know about him.
After a few minutes of reading, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and remove one of my earphones, seeing Taehyung stading in front of me."

Me: Hey Tae

Taehyung: Hey Maïka, how have you sleep?

Me: I slept well and you?

Taehyung: I slept well too

Me: Did you saw Sandra?

Taehyung: No I didn't I guess she is still sleeping.

Me: Yeah probably

"Me and Taehyung then continue to talk and laugh. Until we saw Sandra enter the library. "

Me: Hey San

Taehyung: Hey SnowFlake

Sandra: Hi guys

"She then sat with us leaving a chair to Jimin. We decided to play a card game while waiting for Jimin to arrive. He has an appointment with Dr. Jung today.
A few minutes later we then saw Jimin finally arriving and sat in front of me."

Jimin: Hey guys.

Taehyung: Hey hyung!

Jimin: What are you three up to?

Me: Playing Skip-Bo. Want to join Oppa?

Jimin: No thanks. I'll just read a book instead.

"That's weird he normally always play with us... These days he isn't him. I kind off miss when he used to flirt with me. It was funny, in a way. What am I saying  I don't miss his flirting, I miss him being himself thats all."

Taehyung: Okay. Well, Maï? Do you wanna go get some snacks with me?

Me: Of course! Let's go Oppa!

"Me and Tae then left to go get some snacks. I decided to ask if he saw Jimin's behavior too."

Me: Oppa

Taehyung: Yes?

Me: Did you saw how Jimin acts...? I'm worried for him

Taehyung: Yeah, but don't worry he will be fine.

Me: I hope so, I miss him...

Taehyung: He will be fine okay, its normal that he is sad he probably talked about his past with Dr. Jung. Thats probably it. I worry too but I know he's gonna be fine. So don't worry okay?

Me: Ill try

"We then arrived at Dr. Jung's office and asked him if we could have snacks. He gaved us candies and chips. We then returned to the library. On our way back I opened a bag of chips and started to eat. What? I can't resist food."

Taehyung: Dont eat them all

Me: Why not?

Taehyung: Because if you do so they're will be no more for me.

Me: They're will be just say ahh.

"Taehyung then said ahh and I pit a chip in his mouth."

Me: Now that you had eat some you can't say you didn't had time to eat chips. Because you just did.

Taehyung: Fine but I want this bag then.

"He then took one of the bag of chips and kept it for him. As we entered the library we heard a message from the intercom."

Intercom: - May Kim Sandra make her way to Dr. Kim's office. He will be waiting for her there-

Sandra: Well then. I'll see you guys later!

Me: Okay! Bye bye SnowFlake!

"Sandra then left the library and this time I decided to sit beside Jimin to make sure he is okay. Taehyung then sat in front of me. I ended my bag too Jimin."

Me: Want some?

Jimin: No I'm not hungry.

Me: What had you eat today?

"He then looked at me confused by my question."

Me: Answer Jimin, what had you eat today?

Jimin: Nothing...

Me: Really?? You need to eat. Come on we will go get you food.

"I then got up and dragged Jimin with me."

Me: Tae oppa your coming with us?

Taehyung: Ah no I'll stay here, I want to finish the book I am reading.

Me: Okay then bye

"I then hugged him before dragging Jimin to my room. We then arrived in front of the door leading to my room."

Jimin: Why are we going in your room?

Me: So I can make some ramen for you too eat.

Jimin: I will eat only if you eat with me.

Me: Deal

"We then enter my room and I boiled some water. While I was preparing the Ramen Jimin sat on my bed. After a few minutes the ramen where ready so I took them and went toward my bed where Jimin sat. The only problem was that it was very hot on my hands."

Me: Ah Jimin its too hot help im gonna drop them

"He then got up fast and took the two ramen bowls from my hands. He then put them on the table in front of my bed and we sat in front of it."

Jimin: Next time ask for my help instead of taking both cups. You could have hurt yourself...

Me: I will. Don't worry from now on I will ask for your help. Now lets eat.

"We then started to eat and talk. I sometimes made Jimin laugh. I was soo happy to see his smile. Even his eyes where smiling I guess he just needed a good cup of ramen to make him feel better."

Hey guys thank you for reading this ff. I'm sorry if it takes me more time to publish ill try my best to work on my stories more often. Have a good day

House Of Secrets (Maïka pov) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن