"You aren't gonna start dating him now that you and Tyler broke up are you?" She asked quietly. Bonnie then snapped.

"Elena! Stop being so rude. And you are one to talk about dating a bad guy. You're dating Damon Salvatore for crying out loud!" She shouted. Elena looked at her brown haired friend in shock with her mouth gaping wide.

"What did Damon ever do?" She asked angrily. Caroline and Bonnie then glance at each other for a moment before sighing.

"First of all this is not about you or Damon right now this about Caroline." Bonnie shouted at her friend. "Speaking of which didn't Damon abuse Caroline?" She asked fully knowing the true answer.

"Yes, but that was a long time ago." Elena defended.

"He also did it to that poor News reporter and I'm sure many other girls. He didn't care about anyone except you. So don't for a second think that Damon is such a good guy and you can go around parading him like he's a god and then start judging Caroline for her love choices." Bonnie shouted at her friend who just stood their in disbelief.

"I'm not dating Klaus Mikaelson!" Caroline screamed. "And Elena if you have such a problem with everything about me then just go. Because maybe you don't like Klaus and I don't really either, but no one likes Damon. He abused me, sexually harassed me and used me as his personal blood bag. So please go." Caroline said angrily as she stared at her friends. Elena looked at them before speeding away and out the door. Caroline then looked at Bonnie and began to cry.

"Dear brother, I'm afraid I may have to extend my trip. It will take much longer than you expected. I on the other hand knew it would take a bit of convincing." Klaus spoke casually into his phone.

"Niklaus, I know you have this odd obsession with the Forbes girl, but you are needed in New Orleans." Elijah commented calmly. Klaus suddenly grinned.

"It is not an obsession Elijah, it is love. You wouldn't know much about that would you now?" Klaus said in a charming voice as he attempted to mock that of his brothers.

"Niklaus please come home."

"I will soon enough dear brother. Once I have won over Caroline I will be back to rule my city, but for now just don't screw it up." Klaus said quietly and suddenly hung up the phone and threw it on the floor and watched how the screen cracked.

Klaus then went to his studio and looked around at all of his paintings. He looked at the ones he remembered showing Caroline at the party his mother had thrown. He remembered giving her that dress that she looked gorgeous in, her wearing the bracelet he had given her. He also remembered the drawing of the horse he had gifted her with and couldn't help but wonder if she had kept it after all these years. He would soon find out that answer.

Klaus heard a knock at the door and was surprised to see the Bennet witch standing in front of him as he opened the dark wooden door.

"Bonnie." He said calmly as she looked at him. She was very brave, but Klaus could tell she feared him just by looking at her eyes.

"Where's Tyler?" Was her only question as she glared at him waiting for a response. Klaus looked at the witch with anger and confusion.

"Pardon me?" He asked as he looked down at the dark haired witch. She smirked.

"Tyler cheated on Caroline." She said. Klaus nodded to her statement.

"I am aware."

"I know. You wouldn't just let him get away with it so where is he?" She asked once more. Klaus looked her in the eye as a tint of yellow showed Bonnie slowly moved a few inches further from the hybrid and he grinned.

"I don't know if Caroline sent you to rescue him or-" He was interrupted.

"She didn't. I just want to make him suffer." Klaus was surprised to hear those words come out of the small witch, but he smiled and allowed her inside. Klaus led her down a few hallways before they arrived at a dark cellar where the young hybrid stood chained up.

"Bonnie?" He asked confusedly. Bonnie tilted her head and smirked.

"You know Caroline has been crying for hours. How could you cheat on her like that. She only ever loved you and you just hooked up with other girls." Bonnie said calmly as she interrogated Tyler. Klaus suddenly walked out of the cellar as he thought of Caroline still crying from the jerk. How could someone so terrible to her have such an effect on her while he was only ever kind to her mostly and she hated him.

Klaus was interrupted from his thoughts as he heard sharp screams coming from the cellar and a wide grin suddenly appeared on his face.

He walked into the cellar to see Bonnie muttering spells and Tyler's bones breaking and what looked to be hurting from vervain or wolfspain. Possibly both.

"Ahhhh!" Tyler screamed in pain as Bonnie continued her spells. She lost focus when there was a loud banging in the door. Klaus ran up stairs to the front door and smiled.

"Bonnie Bennet you stop right now. And Klaus let me in!" Caroline shouted from the other side of the door. Klaus quickly opened the door for the blond beauty and smirked.

"Hello love." He said as Caroline scoffed. She walked past him and then turned around to face him.

"Where are they?" She asked coldly and Klaus could hear the anger in her voice. He shrugged.

"Whoever do you mean?" He said trying to hide his grin, but Caroline only glared at him. She then walked up to him remaining only inches away.

"Where are they? That's the last time I'm going to ask so please just tell me. I don't want anyone to get hurt." Her tone was hard, but Klaus new she wasn't being entirely truthful.

"And why is that love?" He asked sweetly. "He hurt you, it is only right that he gets hurt as well." Caroline frowned, but had a little hesitation in her eyes before speaking again.

"I know, but I'm not a vengeful person. I don't want him to get hurt. I can live with knowing her cheated on me, but please stop hurting him." She whined in a soft voice. Klaus relaxed a bit, but still his answer remained the same. Caroline looked at him angrily as she heard Tyler scream in pain. "Please Klaus!" She cried.

Klaus shook his head. "I have no control over the Bennet witch." He smirked. Caroline looked around the house and then back to Klaus with tears in her eyes.

"I'll go to New Orleans with you!" She shouted. Klaus raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Yeah, you let him go and leave him alone and I will go back to New Orleans with you." She said quietly now. Klaus smiled and quickly ran down to the Cellar to fetch both Bonnie and Tyler.

"Caroline?" Tyler asked as he looked at his now ex-girlfriend. She smiled at him knowing that he is okay.

"Let the foul creature go and have him never come back here." Klaus ordered. Tyler suddenly looked to Caroline who had tears in her eyes.

"What did you do to her?" Tyler shouted at Klaus.

"Oh nothing, but she agreed to come to New Orleans with me just to save your pathetic life and to stop her so called friend from killing you." Klaus said. Both Bonnie and Tyler looked at Caroline who had a few tears run down her face. She smiled at them.

"Bonnie, come with me." She whispered to her friend who only stared back at her in shock.

Hello, loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora