Chapter 32: Agony

Beginne am Anfang

Adrenaline pumped through Doc's veins, pushing him forwards as the glitches continued to get closer, mockingly nipping at their ankles as they ran. A square appeared below Xizara's foot and he screamed as his foot and ankle exploded in searing pain.

The Voider completely collapsed, causing Doc to stumble, falling to his knees as Xizara slipped out of his grasp. 

Xizara landed on his side, right onto a black glitch. Another scream tore through his throat as black and purple burns started to appear on his body, bright and painful. 

Doc stumbled, struggling to grab ahold of Zara. He got a grip on the Voider's armor and yanked him forwards, tumbling across the floor. Xizara curled in on himself, the agony rolling through his body overwhelming his mind until all he could think about was the screaming pain.

The Flare tried gently pulling him up, but gave up on being gentle when Xizara didn't let him grab him, yelling and squirming to stay out of his grasp. Doc knew the burns hurt like the Nether, but Z's life was more important than being careful.  

Ignoring Xizara's screams and pleas, Doc hauled him up, continuing to run down the hall, tripping and stumbling as the world shook  below them. 

The walls and ceiling crumbled around them, and several times the pair almost got crushed from falling debris. The shaking floor, falling roof, and oncoming glitches kept them moving despite the pain and exhaustion.

They were so close to making it when a chunk of ceiling about the size of melon crashed down onto Xizara's shoulder. 

The Voider crumpled, letting out a choked sob. 

"Come on, man, we're almost there," Doc yelled as he readjusted his grip, but Xizara just shoved him away. 

"Stop!" His words were strained as he squirmed away from the Flare, mumbling incoherent pleas. 

"No! We have to go!" Xizara didn't stop struggling. 

The pain was too much, and he knew Doc wouldn't make it if he had to drag Xizara the rest of the way, because the Voider was no longer able to keep himself up. 

"Please, just go..."

"Not happening." Doc glanced over at the glitches, but they were far enough away for know, as they had gotten some distance before Xizara crumpled. The Flare tried one more time to pull Zara up, but he refused to get up.

Instead of wasting time fighting him, Doc stood. 

Xizara breathed a sigh of relief, closing his eyes and relaxing against the shaking floor. 

"Tell them I'm sorry," he whispered, tears leaking from the corner of his eyes.

Doc took out his sword. "Tell them yourself."

The Voider snapped his eyes open, getting a single glimpse of Doc swinging the hilt of the sword towards his temple. 

A shock of pain and everything went dark.

Doc pulled the sword back into his inventory as he crouched down to grab the unconscious Voider. He hauled the boy onto his back, holding onto his arms and he cast one glimpse at the glitches only a few feet away before turning and taking off down the hall. 

He stumbled around, struggling to stay up with the floor shaking violently underneath him and the Voider on his back making his  balance waver. 

Several times, glitches appeared below Doc's feet, burns littering his legs, but he didn't stop. Despite the fire searing through his legs, he continued to run, determined not to save himself, but to save Xizara. 

At last, Doc turned a corner, yelling out in relief when he saw two familiar Watchers standing at the opposite end of the hall, at a dead end. Zloy and Pixl shared a single glance before racing over to the pair, making it just in time to catch them as Doc collapsed. Zloy grabbed ahold of Doc while Pixl held Xizara up.

"Holy Nether, he's alive," he whispered.

"Barely," Doc grunted as they dashed to the wall. Before he had time to question it, Zloy placed a hand on the wall, and a second later it disappeared. 

Pixl dragged Xizara over to the portal, leaving the breaking world behind. Zloy and Doc were close to follow, not hesitating to run as a massive crack slit through the roof with an ear splintering bang. Dust and pebbles rained down on them as they made their escape.

They made it to the portal, and Doc caught a glimpse of the glitches that were rapidly closing in on them and the roof give way, crashing down towards them. Mere seconds before they were crushed, they too disappeared, away from the world that got way to close to claiming their lives.


I am not very happy with this chapter TwT

I may go in later and fix it up, but for now, I just want to get it out before I spend another two weeks on it


This whole chapter, from Xizara waking up to them leaving through the portal, only took a few minutes, no more than eight minutes, so everything that happened, happened quick.


 In xB's latest video, Bdubs says he wasn't the one to build that room in xB's base, meaning it isn't Bdubs and it isn't Keralis. Now, before we find out who really built it, I wanna make a guess.


It really looks like his build style and he used armor stands to make furniture in the other secret bases, at least the ones in 'Grian's' base, so it matches up with the use of armor stand furniture in the xB secret base.


~Buh-Bye!! 💛💛

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