Chapter 30: Checkerboard

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Yall I got noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones that are amazing! They were also 50 dollars, but... I needed them...



Word Count: ~2.2 K


TW: blood, death... (I woulda put that on the last chapter too but... spoilers...)


POV: 3rd


The scream tore through everyone's heart, and everything froze as they took in what had happened. The only thing that moved was Xisuma as he scrambled to his feet, shoving his way towards his brother. Before he even made it half way there, an explosion echoed down the hall and the world seemed to jump, tossing everything into the air. The Hermits and Watchers crashed back to the ground. 

Doc had done his job. 

The Watchers immediately knew what had happened, and screams and cries of panic echoed through the room as they began running around. Just like Ely had said, the creatures basically ran in circles like headless chickens, no longer having a leader to hold them together as well as the fact of the world glitching out around them. Many tore out of the room in the direction of the Rune, uncontrolled magic sparking off of them in their anger. The rest ran in the opposite direction, heading for the portal. 

The Hermits, however, all followed their Admin to Xizara. X fell to his knees beside him, grabbing onto his body and sobbing.

"NO! XIZARA! XIZARA PLEASE! STRESS! STRESS HELP!" His voice cracked as he sobbed out the words. Stress ran over, crouching beside them and rolled Xizara onto his side. Ever so slowly, with shaking hands and blurry vision, she grabbed ahold of the hilt of the sword. Xisuma panicked, screaming and attempting to shove her away. 

The closest Hermits to him grasped Xisuma, holding him back as they knew Stress knew what she was doing. 

Stress took a deep breathe, closing her eyes and yanking the sword out of his midsection in one quick moment. Not a single groan or grunt of pain left the Voider's mouth, and Stress' heart sank as she rolled him onto his back. Blood was pooling below him as the Healer closed her eyes, trying to find something to heal on the fallen body.

She couldn't find anything.

With a quiet cry, she sat back, looking at her hands, giving the Hermits a small shake of the head.


Xisuma lurched out of their grasp, leaning over his brother as he pressed his hands against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, though now that his heart had stopped pumping blood through his body, all the blood was flowing out of the wound on his back due to gravity. "STRESS HELP HIM! HELP HIM! PLEASE! PLEASE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING! Please-" His voice broke, the pain in his throat getting to be unbearable.  

Biffa fell to his knees beside the brothers, silent tears spilling down his cheeks as he laid a hand on his son's shoulder. 

Xisuma's breathing was erratic and the feeling of him suffocating got too strong. With clammy hands, he swiped at his helmet, struggling to rip it off. Once he got it off, he threw it, letting out a yell of anger, and it narrowly missed hitting Keralis. Curling in on himself, Xisuma laid his forehead on his twin's helmet, mumbling through his sobs. 

The Hermits stood around them, looking around awkwardly, trying to keep their own tears back, though many of them failed. They didn't know what to do, as they had never seen Xisuma's face before and they didn't know if it was okay to look at him. 

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