I made it through Calculus okay, despite Annabeth's constant shushing. My next class was another class I found non-amusing.  History.

I walked into class, my mischievous grin plastered across my face. In this class were all my friends, plus a few more of my other ones, Thalia, Bianca, and Reyna. Bianca was Nico and Hazel's sister, while Thalia was Jason's. Reyna had dated Jason a few years ago, but they ultimately broke up. Things were okay between them, though (But Reyna never missed a chance to joke around about it).

"Valdez! Come hear this news!" Thalia called to me, her smile wide.

"Sup, guys!" I said, taking a seat at the center of class. "What's the big announcement?"

"Our friend, Zoë, and her sister moved to Manhattan, and they're going to our school! How cool is that?"

"Sweet! Are they gonna be any fun?" Hazel hit Leo on the head with her notebook for asking that question.

"Leo, don't be rude." Hazel chided. "And from what Bianca's told Nico and I, they seem wonderful."

Thalia confirmed what Hazel had said and told everyone that they would actually be in the same class and them during this period. 

"Class, settle down." our teacher, Mr. Brunner, started. "Hello, I will be your History teacher for this year. You may refer to me as Mr. Brunner. Now, we have some things to discuss."

He began talking and I immediately got distracted. A new girl? Sweet! Maybe she was cute- well she had to be didn't she? I've seen Zoë and though she's not exactly my type, I have to admit she is pretty good looking.

"And that brings me to my next point," I snapped back into reality. "We have two students new to the city. And- oh, here they are now!"

"Sorry!" the taller girl started, looking slightly embarrassed. "Are we late?"

Mr. Brunner laughed. "Not at all, I just started class a bit early. I suppose I got too ahead of myself. Ladies, gentlemen, folks- meet our students, Zoë Nightshade-Othrys and Calypso Ogygia-Othrys."

Everyone in class said hello, all except me. I was too busy staring in awe at the girl who stood next to the one he assumed was Zoë. Calypso. That was her name, huh? Sounds familiar- that Caribbean music maybe? I'll remember eventually. I didn't realize I was still staring till the teacher cleared his throat.

"Mr. Valdez? Do you have something you would like to say to these ladies?"

"Huh?" I replied, startled. The entire class roared in laughter. "I uh, was just," I thought about saying something but decided against it. "Never mind."

"Hmph. Well,  I don't supposed you would mind giving these girls a tour around school once the is over?" I obviously had no problem with this, but I decided to play it cool.

"Yeah, sure."

"Perfect. And with that, Zoë you may sit next to....."

Thalia bit her lip nervously. "Thalia and Bianca."

"YES!" Thalia exclaimed jumping up. Her face turned red, suddenly noticing everyone looking at her. "I mean, cool, ha. You're seat's right here, Zoë." Zoë shook her head, clearly struggling to hold back a laugh. She walked down the isle and sat down next to Thalia, secretly slapping her on the head in the process.

"And," Mr. Brunner continued. "Calypso, you may sit..." he looked around the room at the many empty chairs. "Right in front of Leo, Leo Valdez."

After that, my mind went blank. I stared at the empty seat in front of me, and back at Calypso.

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