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I was half-dead when he found me. I was alone. I was starving. I was thirsty. I was about to be eaten alive.
But he saved me. I thought I was a goner. I was weak. I was on the verge of passing out. But he came in with his blade and killed them all. He was on his own, he had no one, he barely had enough food for himself, but he still saved me. He went hungry for me, he was dehydrated for me, he risked dying for me, and yet I never knew. I never knew how much I meant to him. I never knew how strong our bond was. I never knew. I was oblivious to everything there was between us. I didn't realize any of it.
Not until it was too late.
I turn towards Adam, who is running towards me. A giant horde of zombies is following him. Adam is frantically trying to grab an extra clip out of his pant pocket, but he can't manage to get it, considering he is running for his life.
"Cover me!" shouts Adam as he runs past me. I aim my handgun at the zombie and when I pull the trigger, I hear a click.
"Damn it," I mutter, throwing my gun down. Guess I'll have to slice them. Which isn't such a good idea. I pull my katana from the sheath hanging on to my back and slice through the zombie heads, weakening with each second. I've had no food, no water, no rest for the past three days. Yet here I am, slicing through zombies with Adam. Speaking of Adam, why isn't he helping me? I risk a glance back at Adam, who isn't there.
"Adam!" I scream, hoping he is only outside of the door. I fight my way towards the door, and when I reach the outside, I see the truck we came here in driving away. Adam and Jason are inside the truck. "Jason! Adam! Wait!"
They keep driving. I pull out my gun and aim for Adam's head. I pull the trigger, but a zombie grabs me from behind, causing the bullet to shatter the window, but not kill Adam. I turn around and knife the zombie.
More and more zombies file out of the aisles of the grocery store. My world tilts and I try to exit, but the shot must have attracted more zombies, because they block off my way out into the woods.
I take my chances with the grocery story zombies. I slice through the zombies, trying to get towards the exit in the back of the store. My arms are on fire, my fingers can barely hold onto the hilt of my katana. For every zombie I kill, it seems two more take it's place. How many people died in here?
My vision blurs slightly and I trip over my feet. I right myself before I fall. Too late.
A fist wraps in my hair, pulling me backwards. Before it can latch its teeth into my neck, I pull my dagger out of my belt and stab it. I leave my knife in the head; I can always find more.
I trip over my feet again, this time crashing to the ground. I scream as a zombie fall on top of me, going for my neck. I pull another dagger out of my belt and stab it through the head, pushing it off of me. I frantically scramble around, trying to get to my feet.
A zombie lunges for me, and it's teeth about to bite my arm. I scream, knowing I won't be able to dodge it. It's all over.
A shot rings out and the zombie drops to the floor, dead. I look up, seeing someone at the door, a sniper in hand. He aims the gun at me, and I think he may kill me, but the zombie about to bite into my neck next to me drops dead.
I feel a rush of adrenaline, and I slice away at the Zs, killing every one in sight.
I start to tire, but I realize all the Zs are dead. I look over towards the one who saved me, and he is stabbing a Z with a knife. As I make my way towards him, I pull my dagger out of the zombies head.
"Hey," I say, drawing his attention to me. "Thanks."
"No problem," he says quietly. "You got a group?"
"Not anymore," I respond, readjusting my katana on my back. "You think I'm stupid enough to come here on my own?"
I don't hear his response. I grab onto a nearby shelf, trying to keep myself upright. My vision blurs, my knees wobble, my brain is scrambled. I can't focus on anything.
"Are you okay?" he asks, and I think he is coming towards me. I blink constantly, trying to clear my mind. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Instead of responding, I fall forward, hitting the ground.
I awake to darkness. I blink twice, and my eyes adjust to the lack of light. I am staring up at trees. Where am I? What happened?
I jerk upwards as my previous memories come back to me. The grocery store, Adam and Jason leaving, the zombies, the guy who saved me. I reach up to brush my hair out of my face, but something holds me back. I look down at my hands to see them tied down to stake in the ground. I frantically yank at the restraints, making a lot of noise during the process.
The click of a gun makes me freeze.
Footsteps come close and a light shines in my face. I hiss, my eyes burning, and turn away. "Please turn that off," I say, flicking my hair in front of my face. "It's blinding me."
The light flicks off and he comes closer, lowering his gun.
"You aren't dead?" he asks, pulling his blade out and cutting my restraints away.
"Were you hoping I was?" I say, reaching up to brush my hair out of my face.
"I was sure you were going to die," he says. "You were barely breathing when you passed out. I thought you were bitten."
"Well, I passed out because I have gone three days without water or food. I was dying. Speaking of food and water, do you have any?" I ask hopefully.
"Yeah," he says. "I'll be right back." He drops his gun in front of me and heads off. A moment later, he comes back, a bottle of water in hand and a Twinkie in the other. "Here."
"Thank you," I say, taking the food. I try not to eat or drink to greedily, but I can't help it. I shove the food into my mouth, swallowing it whole. I drink the water, gulping down half of the bottle.
"Try to be careful," he says. "I don't have that much."
I nod, setting down the bottle. "Sorry," I say. "Um... I didn't catch your name."
"Ten thousand. You?"
"Kat," I say. "Ten thousand. Is that how many Zs you've killed?"
"How many I'm going to kill. I'm on 879 right now. Is Kat short for something?"
"Call me Katherine and I will carve your heart out of your chest while you are still alive," I say.
Ten thousand laughs slightly.
"How long have I been out?" I ask.
"About a day."
"How about you get some rest," I say. "I can keep watch."
"You sure?" he asks.
"You are tired and you are about to pass out," I say. "I can tell. Lay down, go to sleep, I'll keep watch."
"Don't use up all the ammo," he says as he lays down by the tree. He closes his eyes and pretty soon he's snoring.
He is so cute.
Hey, guys!
To whoever is reading this, this is my Z Nation/10K fanfic. Hope you guys enjoy!-

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