Chapter 1 (Kat)

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Chapter 1

~Three Weeks Later~
~01 A.Z.~
10K and I trudge through the city, hoping to make it into the outskirts before dark. As fast as we move, it doesn't seem likely we'll be able to make it out.

"10K," I say, nudging him with my gun, "we should find some place to hole up for the night. We won't make it out before dark."

"K," he says, "we have to keep moving. If we run we can make it. I don't want o be in a big city full of Zs at night."

"Would you rather be outside with Zs at night or would you rather hole up inside a less populated shelter area and live to see another day?" I demand.

"You just want to take a break," says 10K, rolling his eyes. "Fine. We'll stay somewhere during the night."

"I do not want to take a break!" I protest, crossing my arms. "I just want to go to my old neighbourhood, okay?"

"Are you sure?" says 10K. "You could have a breakdown, or there may be someone you know. It has only been nine months."

"I am sure. I'm not going to have a dramatic break down if I see my old house, 10K."

"If you do, I'm dragging your ass out of this city, night time or not," he warns.

"Yeah, yeah okay."

"Lead the way," he says, making a gesture with his hand.

"Come on," I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him after me. We pass through what used to be called the Strip. All the lights are out and blood is splattered everywhere, but it still looks amazing.

I make my way towards my old neighbourhood, running down streets without waiting for 10K to catch up. I skip around, happy to see my hometown. God, I missed this place. Surprisingly, there aren't any Zs. Well, I've only seen two. And considering how many people probably drank themselves to death when shit hit the fan here, I would expect more Zs.

"I love Vegas," I mumble as I turn a corner, coming to my neighbourhood. Without hesitation, I start towards my old house. Suddenly, I'm not in a damn apocalypse. I'm not eighty pounds when I should be at least a hundred. I'm not weary from weeks of traveling. I'm not smelly from lack of showers. I'm not a no longer innocent girl.

Instead, I'm seventeen again, walking home with my best friend, Raine. I'm in jeans and a white shirt, I have a backpack full of books and homework, not guns and knives. I'm not twenty pounds underweight. My hair isn't sticking up in crazy places. My hair isn't greasy from months of not washing it. My clothes aren't grimy and dirty and bloody.

"Later," I would always say to Raine as I would hop over the wall of my backyard.

"See ya," Raine would respond, and then she would leave and disappear inside her house.

I walk up towards my door when I hear rustling. I turn and see my other best friend, Zach, coming towards me, mouth opening to ask a question. His glasses are crooked, making him look adorable. In his hands are the books I wanted, the ones he bought me just because.

"K!" shouts someone. I'm shocked out of my flashback to find a zombie throw itself on me. I struggle to keep it away from my neck and 10K comes and stabs a knife through the brain.

"What the hell was that?" demands 10K.

"I was having a flashback," I say. "Sorry."

"Well, no more flashback. You could've gotten killed. Let's just go inside."

I nod and reach for the handle. I open it, my katana ready to kill. 10K and I enter slowly.

"Let's check the rooms," says 10K as he heads off to one of the few rooms. Since I had only lived with my mother, we had a small, three room house.

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