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400 people reading this worthless piece of crap! It's been at 399 for weeks and I've been waiting for one more person! So congratulations whoever the fuck you are, the 400th reader! You, my friend, are one special snowflake! That sounded so wrong but I don't care! You are my favorite person right now! I may be updating three times (yay) on Friday, so yay. And if you're reading this, it means you've been with me since I started this on February 9, 2015! I love you guys! Stay with me it may be shit but it will get better, more zombies and action and shit like that. Also, if you watch AOT or Soul Eater, I'm starting a fanfic on that probably next week, so yeah! Anyways, I'm having an attack right now, watch Attack on Titan, vote and comment, do random shit that no one else does! I may be starting another writing contrast with @creative_writer_101 , so if that happens and the topic of the story interest, please read, mine not hers. I recently had one with her but two weeks in a gave up because I couldn't write anything so yeah and anyway I am challenging her again to another writing contest and she will crash and burn because I have you guys, right? No? Okay... anyways... This turned into a celebration to a bunch of random shit but eh.
Moral of the Story: Never give up writing!

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