Chapter 22

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 22


“Happy Birthday, Baby.”

Shayla smiled as Jace’s lips brushed against her cheek. He muzzled into her, his lips turning into a smile. Shayla rolled over as she opened her eyes. She smiled at the sight of his slightly tanned complexion, his dark smouldering eyes, and his full luscious lips. Shayla moaned threading her fingers into his tussled hair as memories of the night before came rushing back. She pulled him closer crushing his lips against her own. Desire consumed her as she opened to him. Intertwining them as one.

“So good to wake up to.” She whispered her breath hitching as she uttered the words. “You’re pretty good to wake up to yourself; I could do it everyday if you would let me.” Jace smiled as he stared at her. So close their warm breath mingled as one. Oh god Shayla thought grimacing. Jace frowned without specking and Shayla could tell he was waiting for her to explain. She held her breath for a moment before she whispered. “I need to use the bathroom.” She feared what she must look like as much as she suddenly wanted to brush her teeth.

“Fine but breakfast is served baby so please don’t be long.” Jace told her smiling. He helped her to stand. He kissed her jaw line before releasing her. Shayla blushed as she stood almost naked before him. She couldn’t understand why it mattered now, but for some reason in the morning light it did. Jace chuckled creasing her cheek letting her know he noticed. “Too late for that now baby,” he growled in his playful way. Shayla couldn’t help but smile as he turned and walked away.

She stood in the bathroom and stared in the mirror. She felt different, but the girl in front of her in the mirror didn’t look any different than the day before. Maybe there was the hint of after glow from a wonderful night she wouldn’t forget anytime soon. Though Jace hadn’t given in and taken her completely. It was nothing short of wonderful. But as far as aging another year she didn’t see anything worth noting. Shayla smiled at her reflection like an old friend who shared all her secrets.

She picked up her toothbrush, and added toothpaste before brushing them. She felt better rinsing the toothpaste down the drain. She stared at the toothbrush remembering what Jace had said when they had arrived two days earlier. If she hadn’t run, if he had never gone to the shop and left her that day. He went for her, she realised. The toothbrush, shampoo, and all the products. “He even brought me__” She whispered stopping as she stared at her reflection “And I left him.” A single tear ran down her cheek.

Shayla ran from the bathroom throwing herself at Jace as he stood in the middle of the cabin sitting room. Kissing his cheek, his jaw, his throat and finally his lips.

“I love you, I love you so much!” she cried out kissing him between the words as she wrapped her legs around his waist letting him hold her in his arms.

“Whoa Baby, what is all this about.” Jace laughed holding her back a little so he could look at her.

“You brought me a toothbrush, you even brought me tampons. You did it all for me. You did it and I know now that we were never supposed to be anything but together, we could have spent all this time here in love and lying in that long grass like we did the other day.”

Jace laughed. “Wow baby, you had me at I love you, yet buying a toothbrush and__ yeah that’s deep. Um, can we never mention Tampons again though?” Shayla smiled and nodded. “K Babe we will never mention them again and you don’t have to buy them either.”

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