Chapter 15

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 15


“Shayla!” Jace screamed into the cold darkness as the world swam before his eyes. He didn’t know how long he had been there, lying in the pool of his own blood. It was cold and beginning to thicken and congeal. He knew it had been a while.

Shayla. Oh god baby. He thought as his final moments began to seep back into his mind. He could hear her scream, hear the abrupt silence as she was cut off mid way through.

Jace staggered to his feet. Searing pain seared into his shoulder and he buckled and fell to the ground.

Jace panted pushing back to his feet he gritted his teeth and took an unsteady step. He staggered but remain standing. Jace took another step and followed it one agonising step after another.

He whined and pushed on taking the pain with every step he took needing to be near Shayla.

He couldn’t understand why it was he wasn’t healing, why his senses felt slurred and muddled.

He stumbled into their cave looking around in confusion.

Where was she? Shay. Oh god no, Shayla baby where the hell are you, he thought.

Jace collapsed into the floor, he willed himself to shift. He knew to heal he should stay in his wolf’s form but he wasn’t healing anyway so why bother he thought knowing at least on two legs he could at least walk.

The shift brought nothing but agony as his shoulder pulled and twisted contorting into his human form.

Jace shrieked out in pain, glad Shayla wasn’t there to hear him. His voice rang in his ears, ripping into his very being.

“Shayla” He cried out as he lay naked on the cold floor. Tears spilled down his cheeks. He moved along the floor half staggering using his good arm to steady himself, until he reached the empty blanket he had left her in. It smelt of her. Thick with her sweet scent. Peaches and cream body wash and so much more. He inhaled deeply and collapsed into the cold earth.

Jace cried, deep body wrenching sobs that ripped from his very core.

The still silent night shattered to the sound of sheer agony as he screamed.



It was cold and dark and there was a continuous drip as water hit what sounded like stone in the distance.

The blackness was suffocating and it took Shayla a moment to understand she was lying there with her eyes open.

“Jace.” She whimpered. No reply came.

Shayla reached out around her hitting into something cold and hard.

Bars, she realised as she felt further along. She was in a cage, a cell, something. She whimpered and began to crawl out in front of her. Every turn she came up short hitting bars. She lay on a stone floor that was rough and grazed her skin; she reached above her and hit her fingers into another low roof, wooden this time there wasn’t enough room to stretch out or stand and she felt cramped and stiff.

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