Chapter 8

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Copyright2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 8


Shayla woke alone, Jace was already up she rolled over and pushed her face into the pillow, His soft musky sent filled her nostrils and she moaned wanting his arms around her again.

Why did he make her feel this way, Shayla needed to clear her head she needed food, and she needed to come to terms with everything that had happened the night before,

But most of all she needed to fix the nagging feeling there was something wrong with Amy and her sudden departure.

Shayla pulled her face from the pillow, the smell of Jace fading with every moment that past.

She climbed from the bed and made her way over to where her clothes sat in a chair, she dressed in the dress she had worn the night before and tied her hair with a hair tie she wore around her wrist.

As she entered the kitchen everyone stopped talking, they looked over at her but nobody spoke.

Jace stepped forward but the girl who Shayla thought she remembered as Bianca almost sneered.

Shayla winced as Jace gave her a gentle hug before pulling away.


Shayla nodded in response to Jace’s question.

“Did I do something wrong?”

Jace frowned at her and Shayla darted her eyes quickly to Bianca then back to Jace.

Jace followed her gaze.

“I would say probably not.” He answered as quietly as she had asked and then added a little louder. “Bianca just needs to learn to play nice.”

“Bianca rolled her eyes before turning back to the newspaper she had spread over the bench.

“I don’t play anything Jace and I sure as hell don’t play with trouble.” Bianca responded.

Shayla couldn’t help but feel she had missed something. Jace must have noticed Shayla’s puzzled expression.

“Can I meet you for lunch today and I will explain what we__ well I will try to explain what is going on.”

Shayla nodded. “I would like that.”

Breakfast was fairly quiet Toast with eggs and tomatoes and coffee, Jace took her hand after they said their goodbyes to Bianca leading her into the busy city street,

Flynn walked a little distance behind them, he acted as if he wasn’t even there and to Shayla’s surprise he blended in the world as if he were invisible and twice she forgot he was there at all.

“Shayla, baby I have to go to school but I promise I will meet you in a couple of hours.” He told her when they reached the corner where they needed to part ways.

Shayla smiled and nodded again before Jace leant forward and kissed her on the forehead.

He then turned to Flynn “Make sure she gets home and no friggen repeats on last night do you hear me.”

Flynn chuckled. “Momentary lapse of judgment bro, you have nothing to worry about.


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