Chapter 7

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Copyright Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 7


She was truly there.

His fingers brushed against her skin, sparks danced over his fingertips at the connection.

“I missed you too Jace.”

Oh god how he had longed to hear her voice touch her soft skin.

“Shayla baby, I need something to wear. He asked her still rolled slightly face down into the ground in an attempt to conceal himself,

He wasn’t sure he cared but he figured she probably would.

He could hear her embarrassment as she quickly fumbled at her clothing.

“Um Jace I don’t have__”

She stopped talking and got up and began looking around the alley.

She returned with the remains of a ripped T-Shirt which smelt heavily of the bastard who had just attacked her.

Jace wondered had he been attempting to claim her as his own, surely if she was truly his mate, no other wolf would want to mark her.

Jace felt so confused, he wasn’t even totally convinced he believed in the whole mating for life saga, and if he did__ god he was confused.

“This is the only piece of clothing left the rest of it was, well__ in bits.”

Jace rolled over and sat up; he took the T-shirt and tied it around his waist glad it had torn away in basically a single piece, he noticed Shayla watched him and smirked even though he didn’t let on he noticed.

“I guess it will have to do.”

He wished he had at least dropped his jeans before he shifted but at the time the only thing on his mind was Shayla and that jerk making moves on his girl.

Jace stood and walked toward the still form, he was a man again now but he wasn’t moving and Jace wondered if he had killed him.

It looked that way.


Jace turned, Shayla stood behind him.

She looked so dam beautiful- a little ruffled but so, so bloody beautiful.

He walked to her quickly closing the gap between them within a fraction of touching.

Her lips were so close but he waited patiently for her to close the gap.

She didn’t.

She never moved away but she didn’t kiss him either.

Her breath was warm against his lips sending chills up his spine.

Jace studied her eyes. She said she had missed him yet she held herself back?

Why could she resist him when every inch of him screamed to touch every inch of her,

Mates he thought dismissing it even further; if they were mates surely she would have the same need to touch as he did, wouldn’t she?

He took control not wanting to wait anymore.

He gripped his fingers into her hair and pulled her the final few inches crushing her lips to his.

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