Chapter 1

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Chapter one

The television was on but Jace wasn't paying a lot of attention.

There was a full moon in the sky and his wolf fought for release

The only problem was with hunting season in full swing he didn't want to be the prey,

Too many of his kind had been taken that way, a hunter thinking he had shot an animal only to find a naked person dead instead.

He could feel the tingling in his skin that accompanied the change.

His teeth ached and his shoulder blades burned.

Jace moaned.

He didn't want this.

It had been days. Weeks since he had let his wolf free,

Years of being this way had taught him control, but it hadn't always been that way. He remembered when he had been bitten.

A hunter of sorts though she hadn't wanted to kill only recruit strengthen their numbers.

Jace only wished she had skipped him,

It served him right though.

Don't chase hot women in hot tops and short skirts

He chuckled at the thought.

Oh she had been freaking hot, but she had given a new definition to the words,

'Love Bites'

The side effort of being a bitten was he had no choice when the moon was full,

A full moon equalled shifting.

He could shift at other times too only that was different, he had a choice.

Jace sighed.

He might figured it was time to stop fighting it,

Time to accept the change, and the option of changing in his little cabin didn't suit him at all.

"Just grow a pair." He growled to himself.

Before storming off toward the door.

In the forest he could feel the kiss of cool air against his skin,

It was a cooler summer than normal but he didn't care, it was one of the perks of being a werewolf the cold didn't affect you, considering his body temperature ran hotter than a human

He pulled his t shirt over his head and dropped his jeans having no intention of losing another set of clothing though the shift.

His skin tingled as the moon light touched his skin

The hair on his body thickened as he fell forward onto his hands and knees his shoulder blades twisting as he shifted.

The pain in his jaw still got to him, Sharp canines splitting the gums as his muzzle took shape.

A wolf now, Jace howled.


Shayla hadn't wanted to come on the stupid camping trip.

And as she had suspected she was the third wheel, or the fifth, it depended how you looked at the situation.

Amy had Fergus

Sandy had Rupert

Shayla had nobody.

She walked into the trees intending to give them some space; she kept the camp fire in view and rested against a tree just past the range of giggles and the moaning pleas for more.

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