Chapter 9

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 9


It had been 21 days since Shayla’s life had been turned upside down and it was just over one week until the next full moon in fact it was 8 short days, which to Shayla was the scariest prospect she would ever face in her life.

Amy wasn’t specking to her even though Shayla had tried, which was exactly what she intended to do at that moment__ try.

She knocked on her door giving up on the prospect of Amy ever returning her phone calls.

There was no answer, so Shayla knocked again.

“Come on Amy.” She muttered as the door flew open.

“Are you still talking to him?”

Wow what a greeting. Shayla thought frowning.

Amy looked dull, tied like she hadn’t slept in a few days, she wore an old jumper with holes in the cuffs and a pair in tights which Shayla knew she liked to sleep in, but she never wore them as clothing.

“Amy, the only person I want to speck to right now would be you__ Please can we at least stop fighting?”

Amy didn’t answer as she watched Shayla from her side of the door.

“I don’t want to fight with you either Shay, but he is a dick, why are you doing this?”

Shayla wanted to scream at her, tell her to shut the hell up and to keep her opinions to herself. But she didn’t.

Amy had been there when Jace wasn’t and she had been the one who picked up all the little pieces of Shayla’s heart when Jace had thrown them over the forest floor along with all the little pieces of his jeans. Shayla couldn’t tell her she was wrong to feel such a hate for him when she had seen as much as she had.

Shayla winced at the thought. Hate, it was such a strong word and she couldn’t bring herself to believe Amy of all people would feel such a thing against someone who Shayla wanted so badly. But she did.

“Amy can we just hang out and not talk about him if that’s what it takes to get you to speck to me. I miss you.”

Amy looked down at her hands avoiding Shayla’s eyes. It was something Shayla knew she only did when she was guilty or attempting to hide something.

Maybe she didn’t hate him at all Shayla reasoned.

Amy stepped aside and headed to the Kitchen; Shayla followed in silence and took a seat on the stool at the bench.

She boiled the jug and took two cups from the shelf not bothering to ask Shayla if she even wanted a drink at all.

Amy scooped the sugar and Coffee into the cups without looking at Shayla, she scooped a big spoonful of drinking chocolate into each cup turning the coffees into mocha’s. Shayla liked the taste so she didn’t stop her, even though she would have preferred to just have it standard for once.

“Are you okay__ I mean have you been doing well?” Shayla asked desperate to break the ice.

Amy faltered and stilled as she put the last scoop of chocolate into her own cup.

“I am fine, why wouldn’t I be?”

Shayla could see it was a lie and she was desperate to discover what was so wrong with her friend, deciding she would probe a little.

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