Chapter 20

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 20


“The moment I knew she was here I knew it was you.”

Jace stared intensely; he narrowed his eyes waiting for any form of a reply.

“You have no chance against me bitten one. Who do you think you are? I can kill alpha’s, you are no match for me. Give up and walk away while you still can.”

“I have everything. I have her.” Jace growled.

“Wrong Jace I have her!” He yelled spiting into Jace’s face. “Can you not see you fool, you are too late. I have marked her as my own.” His mocking laughter pushed against Jace’s control. “You lied, I came here; I asked you to your face if you had her and you denied it, you told me she wasn’t here.” Jace yelled back at him. Before he was stuck down with his mocking laughter again causing Jace to tremble.

“I never lied to you I didn’t have her. She was in the forest waiting for you to find my message.” Shayla flinched out of the corner of his eye, Jace still and calmly replied.

“I do not care if you are an Alpha. You are not my Alpha, which means you are nothing to me.”

Finally Jace had him losing his hold on his control. It made him smile yet he made sure he looked satisfied in his smugness. He chuckled shaking his head at the sad excuse of an alpha that stood before him.

“I have a question for you before I kill you. Why her? Why do you want Shayla so bloody badly?” Jace waited for an answer; he clenched his fist waiting while his patience slipped away.

Jace noticed Shayla sat quietly he looked over at her quickly. She sat with her back against the far side of her little prison, her legs crushed into her chest as if she sort protection from within. Jace winced inwardly. He noticed she seemed to watch them like her eyes were focusing in the darkness and he wondered how long she had been left in this hell.

“Do you not know how it all works in this world Jace?” Jace refocused on the scum before him, reluctantly pulling his attentions from Shayla. “The one who holds the power gets the girl, the alpha male will always win. What are you boy? Nothing, that’s what, A lone, bitten who I wouldn’t wipe from the bottom of my shoe if I was to step on you like the piece of __” Jace growled cutting him off.

“That is where you are wrong you freaking arsehole.” Jace dropped to the ground pulling the blade Hamish had gifted him from his boot. It wasn’t that large but he knew it was enough. The silver poison hidden within the matt of the blackened blade. Jace stood quickly driving the razor-sharp point into his throat.

“Never under estimate your opponent Trent. You were not my Alpha and now you will not be anyone’s Alpha. You will not claim my girl. You will not take my life for I have taken yours__ By the way Trent I have a message for you. Shayla is mine and she is not ruined.”

Tent’s eyes bulged in shock as he reached up for the blade that still hung from his Throat.

Shayla whimpered; gasping as Trent fell. Jace feared by killing him he had harmed her in the process.

“So cold.” He moaned, closing his eyes.


Flynn slide to a stop in as he passed though the doorway into the dungeon’s he couldn’t believe the sight that stood before him. He stared as his Alpha fell, felt the searing pain as his soul ripped severing the connection that bound him to the wolf before him. He stared silently at Jace stunned into silence as he watched his new Alpha turn back toward his mate.

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