Chapter 14

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Copyright 2013 Joanna Bock All Rights Reserved

Chapter 14


Jace didn’t understand.

He had bitten her and yet she stood in front of him unchanged, he didn’t know if he was relieved or hurt she hadn’t shifted.

He couldn’t deny he had wanted to run with her. He had been excited by the prospect of playing with her and teaching her to just be within her wolf form.

And it was over, all the excitement he had felt at having his mate there beside him wolf to wolf was gone. He had dreamed just how beautiful she would be. They had come so close. And yet the end had left them so far from all of it.

Jace couldn’t help but be happy for her though, even if it left him empty and a sense of being alone.

He knew he wasn’t alone, she was there beside him even if it wasn’t as one form they would always be one.

He wasn’t confused at all now. He wanted his mate there, her wolf beside his.

Jace looked up into her eyes, prepared to see the happiness she must feel at the prospect of her life being unchanged, her life being uncomplicated by the wolf he had been so welcoming to embrace within her.

The confusion flooded back into his mind.

Tears trailed down her cheeks as she stared back at him. Jace wished he could talk to her. Comfort her in this time of need. Did she feel she had disappointed him? Made him love her any less?

Jace’s mind swam with possibilities as he stared at her.

Jace rubbed against her leg with his muzzle. Anything to show her he still cared, anything to tell her it was alright he was there for her.

Shayla dropped down into the dusty stone floor her tears still streaming down her face. She pushed her face into his side, her fingers digging into his fur.

Jace could feel her trembling under the sobs of emotion.

He whined, as he pushed against her.

Shayla pulled back and stared at him.

Jace whined again, wanting her to give him something anything to explain how she was feeling.

He waited watching as she began to speck, hesitating and going quiet before she hesitated and took a breath to speck again.

“I am sorry Jace I__”

Oh god no, he thought as she stopped specking.

‘No baby, no, I wont let you blame your self for this’ He screamed at her frustrated it was all silent and in his mind.


Shayla stared at the anguish that she could see in Jace’s features. She wanted to make it better but she had no idea how.

Did he not love her as much now she was only a human girl__ not an equal to him like he had be so convinced she would be.

“I know now Jace, I am not like you” __ she began to cry again__ “Only now I want to be Jace. I want to be just like you.”

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