Chapter 10 :finale

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Narrator's POV

She shut her eyes tight as she said her final prayers . She couldn't believe this was happening she didn't deserve to die this way . Alex wanted someone to save her and her unborn child.

*Gun shot!!!*

Alex's POV

I screamed as I heard the gun shot echo in my ears . All I thought of was meeting my dad and sister in heaven. I opened my eyes when I realized I didn't feel any pain . To my shock Rick was down on the floor bleeding . Michelle froze still the gun still on my abdomen.

There stood Jay with his gun in hand as he pointed it directly at Mitchell. She looked petrified unable to move a muscle .

"Put the gun down Mitchell" he said in harsh tone.
"Why .....why ....why should I Jayson ? This is all your fault....."
"How is this my fault Mitchell? Look at you . Look at Alex , you want to kill my child... Just put the fucking gun down before you get hurt" he spat and looked me .
"If you kill me you kill your own child too " she said with a serious look in her eye .

"His child ? Mitchell his.......his child ?" Rick said as he gasped for life . Now this was getting interesting the drama now .
"Rick die in peace and shut the fuck up " Mitchell said in a harsh tone .
"No let him speak " Jay said .
"Mitchell that's my child you're carrying. She is pregnant with my child ...... My child " he said and those where his last words . Jayson looked at Mitchell and chuckled .

"I should have known you would do something like this . Pin the baby on me just so you can have your way . Sleeping with the Butler too huh ? It's okay Mitchell are a desperate harlot " he smirked . He came closer to Mitchell and placed the gun on her head .

"Now stand up and walk away . I do not want to ever see you again . Consider yourself divorced " he smirked . Mitchell stood up her eyes filled with hate and anger as she walked towards the entrance . All of a sudden she pulled the trigger at me and the world started spinning . Another gun shot was heard and I remember Mitchell falling down . My vision become blurry and all I could see was darkness .

Jayson's POV

I managed to track Alex and to my shock found Mitchell ready to kill her . I didn't know Rick was her hitman. I shot Rick and chuckled when he told me he was fucking Mitchell typical of her. I panicked when she shot Alex and instantly I shot her and she died . I untied Alex and carried her to my car . I couldn't let her die I wouldn't be able to leave with myself. She was shot in the stomach and I feared the worst for my child .

We arrived at the hospital and immediately the nurses rushed her in the ER . I paced up and down the building unable to digest the fact of Alex and the child dying . After an hour of walking around like a mad man the doctor came out of the theater room .

"How is she ? How is the baby ?" I asked so many questions at a time.
"Calm down Mr Williams Alex is fine ...the baby didn't make it unfortunately the bullet hit the head of the child and the child didn't stand a chance " he said . I was hurt and relieved at the same time . I went into Alex's room and found her barely awake .

"Alex I'm really sorry for everything that has happened between us " I whispered.
"Jay ...." She whispered and I cut her off .
"No let me . I was an idiot not to tell you who I really am when I knew you loved me . I'm sorry for killing your sister . I'm sorry for the death of our child . " I continued . She looked at me as a tear dropped from her left eye . I wanted to take full responsibility of everything that had happened to her .

Alex's POV

I woke up hearing beeping sounds of machines .I felt pain in my stomach and the doctor told me my child didn't make it . I was hurt and grateful that I was still alive . Jayson came in I didn't know how to react . I heard the guy blame himself for everything . I couldn't control my emotions . After all we have been through I still loved this guy . That's how fucked up love is , no matter how bad that person screws you up you still come back to them like boomerang.

"I forgive you Jay " I said and he embraced me in his arms .

6months later.

I smile at what I have become . From a local village girl to Mrs Williams .He had taken over the illegal gun business and well I joined in because I loved him. I fell in love with my boss and I have been happier ever since . I wore a black lingerie as I impatiently waited for him to come out of the shower . I stared at myself in the mirror and I guess this was destiny . That dream I had the first night I worked here had a meaning . I felt his muscular hands wrap around my waist and I turned around and looked my soul mate.

"Do u still remember what I promised you ?" He smirked and I nodded .
"Yeah you promised to keep me " I giggled .
"Exactly Princess " he said in a husky tone .
"My Keeper " I smirked.
"Only yours " he whispered in my ears and bit my earlobe . With each stroke and touch leaving a burning sensation of pleasure. He removed my lingerie and bit my neck leaving a hickey . Every each of my body craved for his touch . I dug my nails into his back making him close his eyes and I smirked . "So you want it rough huh? " He smirked and I nodded all of a sudden he turned me around made me bend over and I felt him inside of me . I moaned and screamed his name as the pleasure was indescribable . I felt my climax build up and with great pleasure and pressure I came over and over again my legs shaking . The orgasm was mind blowing . He came too and he threw himself next to me as he patted for his breathe to reach his lungs . I love Jay , my keeper for life🗝️💜

*Thank you for reading My Keeper the pdf of all the chapters will be available soon . Please enjoy more of my stories this lockdown season 😂🔥🔥❤️❤️ Love y'all*

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