Chapter 3

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Narrator's POV

The two looked into each other's eyes .It felt like they longed for each other to get to this point. Jayson felt like a missing part of him had been complete which had burnt down by his so called 'wife'. He wanted Alex right now , he wanted to lay her on the kitchen table and run his tongue against her soft skin . Alex on the other hand was amused . She had never felt like this in her entire life . Probably because she was young and had never ever had a boyfriend .

But a part of her was scared .Scared of Mrs.Williams, what would she do to her if she found out that she was sleeping with her husband? People will start calling her a husband snatcher . The other reason was she was terrified of sex. She remembered back home when she was talking to her mates  about how their experiences were and each time she felt even more terrified of losing her virginity .

"Mr. Williams .....I can't ..." She said as she tried to shake off the bubbly feelings.
"You can't what Alex?"Jayson said as he looked deep into her eyes .
"This wasn't suppose to happen , you're married with someone who gave me a job it feels like I'm betraying her I see the way she looks at me " Alex said as she got off the counter her legs still shaking.

"Yes I'm married but I am not happily married. I'm a broken man Alex but the moment I kissed you all that pain disappeared "he said as he lifted Alex's chin up . Alex was a short girl compared to the tall muscular man staring down at her .
"I don't want to get in between you and your wife , I don't like causing drama ."
"Who said it will cause drama ? Listen I want you to trust me "
"No I just can't "

Alex said this and dashed out off the kitchen and went into her room . She sat on the bed as the mixed emotions overwhelmed her . Surely she can't be liking this guy . Jayson ran after her and knocked on her door .

"Alex can I please come in ? "
"Jayson ..."
She opened the door and Jayson sat next to her on her bed .

"I'm sorry if I made anything weird between us Alex " he said
"It's okay "
"It's just that ever since ....ever since " Jayson gritted his teeth in anger . Something made Alex feel sorry for him and without even thinking about it she placed her hand on Jayson's fist and looked at him .Jayson loosened his grip .

"Tell me" she said sweetly .
"Michelle and I were married for the past four years . She cheated on me with her friend from work and I found her sleeping with him in our bed . I was so broken, so hurt I never thought I could heal but the moment you came into this house all of that subsided . " he said . You could here the pain in his voice as he spoke .

"I'm really sorry you had to go through that . I'm here when you need me "Alex said as she looked into his eyes . She could see the pain in him and she gently gave him a hug . Jayson felt that lump come again . He instantly snaked his hands around her waist . They sat like that embracing each .

"Alex I'm home " Michelle said as she opened the door and found the two in each other's arms

😬😬😬shit jus got real

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