Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

Pregnant ?! Me pregnant ?! I froze still  as the information sunk in . What would Michelle do if she found out I was pregnant with her husband's child . This was all too much for me . My sister just died , my mother is now dealing with so much pain and then i happen to fall pregnant  to someone whose married . Jay looked at me and he could tell that I was worried .

"Why are you worried ?" Jayson asked as he looked deeply in my eyes . I stared at him.
"I'm pregnant Jayson . PREGNANT !!! What will your wife do to me ? " I shouted and he placed his finger on my lips .
"Shuuuu Alex . I know you dealing with a lot of pain right now I understand why you reacting this way . I'm here for you no matter what and we are going to raise this baby together " he said.
"For all I know Mitchell is going to kill me if she finds out about this." I whispered .
"Don't worry about Mitchell I will take care of her . Right now I need us to get some sleep so we can leave tomorrow okay ?" I nodded and we went to my small room .

I missed home although I came here on bad terms . I asked Jay to go ahead and sleep while I see my mother in her room . I knocked on the door and saw her  still awake with tears in her eyes . I knew my mother was sick the depression was killing her and because my sister's death it just made things worse. I sat next to her and she embraced me in her arms .

I missed my mother's love . I cried with her then she let me go .
"Mom are you going to be okay ?" I asked her .
"Alex my baby , life has jus been so cruel towards me . But I have learnt to deal with it  don't worry about me " she whispered .
"Mom I don't want to leave you here alone . Are you sure you are going to manage ? "
"Like I jus mentioned I will be fine . You go ahead and go to work . I'm sure your dad and your sister would have understood" she faked a smile . I knew she was struggling to deal with this .

"I see you have found someone who makes you happy?" She continued and a blush appeared on my face . It still shocked me how she knew me so well .
"His name is Jayson ." I paused . I didn't want her to know that he was the Mr. Williams I was working for .
"Okay my child. I feel like you are hiding something from me but what ever it is don't let it kill you " she said . I nodded clearly lying to her . I gave her sleeping pills and kissed her goodnight . I went into my room and found Jay sound asleep . He looked so peaceful with his long hair untied covering his face and i brushed it off . I slept next to him placed my head on his chest. I loved the sound of his heart beat . It made me fall asleep .

Jayson's POV

We woke up the next morning and said our goodbyes to Alex's mother . She would always look at Alex's stomach as if she knew she was pregnant but didn't say anything . We left and headed to New York . We would talk and laugh . Sometimes we would sit quietly. Not that awkward silence. Our silence spoke words . We were only a few miles away from New York .

As I was driving I would just start day dreaming of kissing her right there in the car and would chuckle at the thought of that .
"What are you thinking about?" she imitated me and I laugh.
"Thinking about why I'm so lucky to have you . Thinking about kissing and  fucking you right here in the car " I smirked.
"Mmm why don't you do it then ?" she whispered in my ears and I lost control of the car nearly swerving the car of the road .
"Okay now I know you are going to be the death of me . So to avoid death I am going to give you what you want " I said as I parked the car . I  leaned over to kiss her . We started kissing. Our kiss was one filled with hunger , the desire and the need to feel each other .

I placed her at the backseat and went there and laid her on the seats . I started kissing her neck and a moan escaped from her sweet lips . I removed her dress and started licking , gently flicking her nipples making her moan even louder . I didn't care where we were all I wanted was her . I stopped to look  at her and saw a look of frustration on her face as she bit her lower lip . I loved seeing her this way .

I then lightly brushed my hands on her thighs . I slowly removed her underwear and smirked at how wet she was . "Wet , just the way I like you " I whispered . I tied her hands with the seat belt restraining her from touching me . I gently rubbed my thumb on her  clit "Jay please" she whispered and this was just music to my ears. I removed my trousers and my dick was so hard  I too was growing impatient.

"Please what Princess ? " I smirked as I slowly dipped two fingers inside her .
"Please fuck me" she cried and I smirked . I inserted my dick and started pounding in her . Her eyes rolled back in her head as the pleasure built in her . I increased the pace and she began screaming my name . I felt her walls tighten around me and her inner walls collapsed as her sweet honey slipped out . I also came and collapsed on top of her untying her from the seatbelt. We both giggled trying to get some breath in our lungs .

"I love u Alex " I whispered .
"I love u too Jay" she whispered those words making me overwhelmed with joy.

Later we arrived home. We went into the kitchen and found Mitchell sipping on a glass of wine with a novel in hand .

"And what's the celebration about?" I asked . She smirked .
"Mmm I won't be bothered by that thing you bought back in my house . See Jayson I have some news for you , I'm pregnant " those words hit me hard .
"You're pregnant and yet you are drinking wine ?" I asked puzzled by the news .
"Here if you think I'm lying" she said as she placed a pregnancy test on the table. I took it and here it was.  4weeks  pregnant. I composed myself .

"Well we also have news for you .. Alex tell her " I said . The short girl looked at me her eyes filled with fear .
"Don't worry she won't do anything to you" I added .
"Mrs. Williams ....I'm pregnant" she said Mitchell jaw dropped as looked at us .
"SHE IS WHAT ??!!!!!"

*Damn😬😬😬😬😬🔥🔥🔥🔥 someone is going to die. Thank you for the love and support . Keep reading for more*

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