Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

"PREGNANT!!?? YOU ARE FUCKING HER !" the woman stood up her beaming eyes burning into my face .
She walked towards us and I hid behind Jayson . The woman was ready to kill me .

"Mitchell calm down okay ? Yes I slept with her ....." he said and he was cut off by Mitchell screaming.
"You slept with the maid in my house on my bed under my nose . How could you Jayson ?" She yelled . I was so confused is it the fact of being rich that makes women so ignorant ? Why was she mad at Jay when she cheated first like they say tit for tat is a fair game .

"She is no longer a maid anymore , she is my girlfriend" he said calmly. This guy was jus adding salt to the wound . I stared at him as if he was mad and he gave off a smirk . He knew what he was doing .

"Girlfriend? Jayson .... I'm sharing the same dick with the maid . Jayson what about our business ? our marriage ? everything ?" She said and Jayson froze when she mentioned business . What was this business anyway ?

"Michelle get this clear , the moment you cheated on me you lost me . I loved you so much I built all of this for you risking my life for you I'm still risking my life for you . You are an ungrateful woman . I love Alex more than anything in this world and she is going to stay here whether you like it or not " Jayson also shouted . Mitchell was hurt with those words . She looked at me ,

"Jayson does your girlfriend know about our business?" she said with a smirk.
"Michelle don't "
"She doesn't know huh .... Alex I'm going to tell you something that will make you hate him for life " she continued and walked towards me .
"And what is that?" I courageously asked .
"Thank you for asking me that . See Jayson here is not the sweetest guy he appears to be " she said . Jayson froze there . I loved Jayson and I was pretty sure nothing in this world could change that.

"The Jayson in front of you is actually an illegal gun seller . A criminal . That's our business. And then again I'm really sorry about your sister it must be hard for you such a short notice death . Your boyfriend over here asked someone to kill your sister . He killed your sister you bitch " I was glued to the floor unable to process the information . Jayson looked at me, as he tried to touch me

"Don't ....Is it true Jayson ? Did you  kill my sister?" I asked a teardrop escaped from right eye and streamed down my cheek. How could he kiss me and comfort just for him  to hurt me like this . He killed the only sister I had.

"Please Alex , let me explain I didn't mean to...."
"Fuck Jayson fuck you . I was stupid enough to fall in love with you when you and your wife are the thugs busy killing innocent people out there . " I shouted as I ran towards the door . I ran as fast as I could I didn't know where I was going .I needed to get out off that place. I needed to go home . Tears kept rolling down my cheeks unable to control myself . I found myself lost in New York City but I didn't care. I went into central park and sat under a tree . I cried my lungs out  . Like I said before love is a dangerous thing ,it's like quick sand once you step on it you won't stop sinking and by the time you realize it it will be too late for you to pull yourself out . You guys say it will end in tears , I guess it always does.

Mitchell's POV f

I was mad as fuck when Jayson told me Alex was pregnant . I will not allow myself to lose to a maid so I told her everything . Poor Alex ran crying. Jayson started running after her when I grabbed his hand ,

"And where do think you are going ?" I asked and he looked at me in frustration.
"Let go off me Mitchell . I am going to look for my girlfriend the one who is carrying my child . Haven't you done enough you bitch . I'm getting a divorce and if anything happens to Alex or my child you are going to regret it for the rest of your life " he said with the seriousness in his voice . He forced his hand away and ran towards the door . Ugh Jayson! He drove away and I quickly grabbed my phone and called Rick , the Butler I'm fucking and also my hitman.

"Yes Mitchell " he said
"I got an important job for you . I need you to go find Alex before Jayson does . I want her alive do you hear me?"
"Sure thing sweetheart you can count on me "
"Good "
I cut the phone as I gobbled the whole wine glass down . If I can't have Jayson no one can

*😬😬😬😬😬😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰Will it really end in tears ? Thank you for the love and support please feel free to drop your comments love u ❤️*

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