"What has Marinette ever done to you guys to deserve what you've done to her? Huh!? Please enlighten me because from what I can see, she's been nothing but been patient and the most purest angel that has walked this earth."

Her eyes scanned the collection of students in the hotel room before continuing, 

"Have you forgotten about all she's done for us? Let me enlighten you: When she convinced you Ivan, to admit your feelings to Mylene! When she convinced you Mylene, to not be scared and carry on acting in our class film! When she introduced you to Marc, Nathaniel! When she got you that interview with Ladybug Alya! The several times she helped try out all your games Max! The time she helped prepare for your date with Ondine! This is just the touching surface, I could go and and carry on the list!" She sucked in a broken breath. 

"She's done nothing but helped us and we've done nothing but broken her, I can't stand by that" She blew her side fringe away from her eye, 

"Fuck you, Fuck all of you dirty little shits." She walked to the sofa and picked up her bag she took for the tour and throwing it onto one of her shoulders securely before giving the whole class the dirtiest look she could muster, the whole class shuddered at the look. 

Before Juleka could move from where she stood, slow clapping filled the room catching everyone's attention. They all looked around to face a standing Alix who made her way to Juleka. 

"Someone actually noticed and finally put their fucking foot down, It's been getting boring in a class filled with people who share the same brain cell." 

She could clearly hear the offended gasps from her classmates but her focus was sorely on Juleka.

"Welcome to the good side where we don't believe in liars and fakes. You're our official seventh attendee." Alix's voice held pride as she smiled at the girl. 

"Seventh? Since when did that many people not believe in this bullshit?" Her thumb was pointed towards her classmates.

"For sometime now but better late than never. Nino, get your ass up because I can no longer think around such idiots." She briefly looked back at the boy who didn't object and followed the two girls out the door 

The class was left in utter silence trying to comprehend what just happened till Lila spoke up

"They're just jealous of my happiness, they've been faking our friendship all along! How cruel could they be, just as bad as Marinette!" Crocodile tears rapidly streamed down her tanned cheeks as the whole class turned to her with the same worried expression painted on all their faces. 

Juleka was spitting nothing but facts, they were all 'Dirty little shits' 

{Back to the present}

Nino was still in shock from the day, never in all his years of going to school with Juleka, had he heard her go off or talk to anyone that much. And that says a lot since they've been going to the same school's since middle school. He was brought out of his revere when his door opened and in walked Alix and Juleka. 

The class had nothing to do since the tour was put on a temporary halt till Marinette returned, if she returned that is. The class had been exploring more of Gotham while the three of them stayed indoors, it was safer to stay inside. 

They sat in silence till Nino spoke up,

"Any news on Marinette's condition?" 

The two girls looked at him with the same curious look, Alix answered his question in half,

"Chloe flew in after I called her, apparently she's in the hospital with Marinette's family." 

Huh? Since when did Marinette have family?! 

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