"You are kidding me! Even I will eat so many cakes!" Clemont said making the two laugh. 

After a while Bonnie left for one of her classes, leaving Clemont and Ash alone. Ash's face soon turned from a happy one to a scared and sad one. It was easy to understand he was afraid. Who wouldn't be? He was facing his father, a king to safe not only himself and his family but also an entire kingdom.

"Are you scared?" Clemont finally found the courage to ask Ash. The prince got surprised by his friend's question. 

"What do you mean?" Ash questioned 

"You act like you're fine like you are ready for what it is coming but I believe you are dying inside with fear... Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's hard not to be... If this doesn't go well both Serena and I will be punished. I will have to marry Lilly and Serena, Gary. It won't be easy to let her go. Plus the villagers will be trapped in this stupid prison my father and Serena's father created... As their future king, I am supposed to help. What if I can't?" 

"Ash, you can. I know you can" Clemont said putting his hand on his friend's shoulder "More than anyone else, you and Serena will be able to defeat them. You will save all of the villagers and most importantly the two of you will have the life you deserve. You will be the best king and queen that there ever was. I'm pretty sure of it"

Ash smiled at his friend. Clemont believed in him. But Ash knew he needed to believe in himself too. It was time to save the world. Everything was on his hands. 

"Thanks, Clemont. It's time I do this." Ash said getting up from the stairs he was sitting in. Clemont handed him the machine and smiled. 

"Good luck!" Clemont whispered as Ash left. 

Ash kept walking with the small machine on his hand. The prince was trying to control his breath and beating heart that made his fear grow even more. Then something popped up in his mind: 'You are courageous and brave because you are scared but you still face your own fears'. Serena had said that to him some days ago. Somehow thinking about her, gave him the determination he needed to face his father, to finally end it all. For once he was thinking selfishly, after this whole thing he would have a chance to live his dream and stay with Serena for as long as possible. 

"Ash, sweetie" Delia came running from the garden when she saw her son walking to the throne room. "It's time, isn't it?"

"Yes, mother. It is time" Ash said holding her hand. "Clemont was able to create two of these machines. One for us and the other for Queen Grace. Are you ready for this?"

"Yes, dear. We have to be strong. For us and our people"

The two walked to the throne room where Red was. "Red" Delia stated as she bowed to him. Ash right behind her did the same. 

"What is it this time? I thought I told you to stay in your room, son" Ash kept quiet as he was trying to turn the machine on. "Answer me, boy!" 

"I left that room of course. You can't keep me there forever just because you are afraid of me"

"Afraid of you?" Red laughed. "You are a funny boy. Do you think I'm afraid of you? I'm disappointed in the stupid hopeless romantic you became."

"Red" Delia said trying to control her husband's temper 

"Shut up! All of you!" Red yelled "Our son has no capacity of living if that witch of Grace's daughter dies. You know that is right?"

"How can you say something like that? He is your son" Delia yelled back

Juliet and her RomeoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin