Chp.20 Yukako Yamagishi Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Okuyasa: Hey I'm being just as serious as you are man! Now make some snots and drools!

Koichi: Oh that the choice I have to go with?

Josie: There's nothing else. Look Koichi, don't worry.

(YN): You and I are gonna tackle this together. Okay?

Koichi: O-Okay...


Hours have pass, school has just ended, Yukako was making her way home, until she heard Josie voice yell saying...

Josie: Holy Shit!! Koichi did what?! I don't believe what he did!

She stop for a brief moment to hear about what was going one...

Josie: How disgusting can a guy like Koichi be so cruel to go and shop lifting!

Okuyasa: I know! And he even said it to himself, what's worst is that he was bragging about it! Who does that?!

(YN): Yea no kidding. But you think that's bad? Koichi would never keep a promise in his life, even if it's depending on it. I let that little piece of shit worm borrow some money and the shit bag never paid me back!

Josie: Yeah well I heard he cheats on tests, steals girls undies, the guys got no furtive. He'll end up ruining his life for good.

(YN): Yeah, I say we should just drop him already. Our friendship with him is over!

Okuyasa/Josie: Yeah!

After saying those words about Koichi, Yukako stood quiet for a moment, as she then walks away...

Okuyasa: Phew, well that's over. Man, that girl gives some intense a new definition...and I like that~

(YN): Well, now Koichi can confirm all the stuff we said about him to Yukako, and she will forget about him easily like a lead block falling from the sky.


Later on, it was sunset, as Koichi was in his room, hoping whatever plans his friends have to get rid of Yukako for him will work for good...

Koichi: *sighs* I know I should have fate on them, but I'm wondering if their plan actually work...the best case scenario would be her forgetting that I exist all together.

Koichi lays down on his bed as he shuts his eyes down and takes a nap...suddenly, in his mind, a purple light was shining as a shadow figure was approaching to Koichi...

Koichi: Eh??? What's that?? My eyes are closed, so it must be a dream.

The shadow figure appeared to be none other than a female, approaching to Koichi closer and closer...

Koichi: Huh??? A woman??

That woman that is approaching to Koichi is none other than Yukako...

Koichi: Eh?!?! It's Yukako!!!?? Y-You have to be kidding me! She's even corrupting my dreams! Cant she give it a rest for one night!

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from his window as he open his eyes fast, outside of his window, was Yukako, starring at him down as it scared Koichi...


Yukako opens the window as her hair started to spread around, wrapping Koichi and shutting his mouth up for him not to make noise, Yukako enters his room as she sees his English exam that he took and failed miserably with 16 points out of 100

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Yukako opens the window as her hair started to spread around, wrapping Koichi and shutting his mouth up for him not to make noise, Yukako enters his room as she sees his English exam that he took and failed miserably with 16 points out of 100...

Yukako: No need to worry. I'm here for you now. And my job is to educate you and turn you into the ideal of a man. There's something about you, certain about other men seem to be laughing. And it's crucial that you need to live up with that potential.

Koichi Mind: J-Josie! Okuyasa! (Y-YN)!!! You plan backfired big time!


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