I'm standing by"Elena", waiting for the plan to start. Well, the updated plan. When, of course, Klaus comes to talk to "Elena", and I quickly make my way over to her.

"Where's your date?" He asks "Elena", just as I arrive next to her.

"Getting me a drink." "Elena" says, causing Klaus to hand her his drink.

"I think she's fine." I say, glaring at the man.

"Well... Seem I have you to thank for Mikaels demise." Klaus says, looking at me.

"He came at Elena. I didn't have a choice." I say, glare never leaving my face.

"Still, I'm impressed. It's not easy for anyone to dagger an original. Must have used some of your magic on him, correct?"

"You'd be correct. Aneurysms are good for that."

"You seem nervous." Klaus says, now turning to "Elena".

"I'm not nervouse. I just don't like you." She tells him.

"Right. Straight to the point then, shall I, love? People have been after me for 1, 000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best shot. You won't succeed." He all but threatens us.

"It won't be for lack of trying." "Elena" tells him, before we start to walk away. Klaus stops us though.

"Now you;d be smart to tell Damon to mind his manners tonight. 'Cause if I die, I've already insured he'll die along with me. Even in death, my hyrbids have their orders. So you kill me, your killing him too." Klaus finishes, walking away.

~~ Hope's POV ~~

"Invite-only, vampire." One of Dad's hybrids tells Damon. I quickly look at them, as Damon says.

"here's my RSVP." and rips out his heart. "Hyrbid."

"Did you really have to do that?" I question, as Damon walks towards me.

"Of course! It was the punchline." Damon says, smirking at me. I just roll my eyes. I stop him from going any further into the house.

"Nice plot making me human for a day, but do you really think that'll stop me from trying to save my Dad?"

"Your human?" Damon asks me.

"Yep. So, stop acting like you didn't know. " I deadpan, done with the bullshit.

"I actually didn't. Looks like Stefan and Josie are keeping secrets."

"Well, let's get back at them for that then, huh? Maybe save my dad?" I suggest.

"Wait, your human?" Damon asks me again.


"Great. Then I can do this." Damon says, grabbing my face. His pupils start to dilate.

"Oh, don't you fucking dare--"

"You're going to stay outside and not warn Klaus, or find a way to warn Klaus about what happening. Don't stop any of us." Damon says, before he walks inside the house.

"I'm going to murder him as soon as possible!" I say, my hands turning into fists. I quickly walk around, looking for anyone. I quickly walk all around the house, looking for a way to somehow warn Dad. I could tell Auntie Bex I was compeled... but I couldn't do that, it's against Damon's complusion. I can fight it, but I don't know for how long... Oh, whatever. Let's just find some vervain so I can't be compelled again.

Legacies aren't Legacies Anymore.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora