Chapter 16

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"Oi shitheads what's going on?!" Levi asked them when they all look depressed again...they were shocked and then looked at him before they gulped and then saluted.

"Captain!" they greeted him. He glared at them as always.

"what the fuck happened?" they looked at each other. they can't possibly say what Alina told them yesterday night.

"n-nothing Captain, sir," Eld said. Levi didn't pursue the matter anymore and instead looked at all of them.

"where the hell is that stupid brat?" they all stiffened and then looked at him and they can see his annoyance whenever Alina is late but this time, it's not the case.

"that brat is late again?" he asked but they shook their heads. He then raised his brow glaring at them.

"then tell me where the fuck she is."

"S-Sir...H-Hanji-san took her, Captain." Levi glared at Gunther and then spoke.

"where?" they gulped...

"t-that...sir...Hanji-san didn't answer. She just dragged Alina." Levi's mood became worse and then cursed as always.

"that shitty glasses." He said before he dismissed them. They all sighed in relief.

"find that stupid brat and bring her here." He said before turning away...they looked at each other and then decided where to look at.

Petra was the one who found Alina, together with Armin. They saw her sleeping under a tree...they looked at each other and then asked themselves whether to wake her up or not.

"b-but the captain said, he wants her there..." Armin said...Petra then sighed and about to approach her but they saw Hanji.

"Armin, Petra what are you doing here?" she asked them.

"Hanji-san...the captain ordered us to bring Alina there," Petra said so Hanji sighed...

"If Levi wants her, then tell him to come and get her himself. Otherwise, I won't give her." She said...the two widened their eyes and then looked at her asking if she's really serious but she's not smiling so maybe she really is serious.

"b-but Hanji-san..." Armin tried to speak but Hanji glared at him for the first time.

"go tell him what I said." She said and they immediately agreed. They looked at Alina sleeping peacefully there before they went back. They're the only people the others are waiting for and when Levi didn't see Alina, he furrowed his brows and glared at the two who went to the field where Hanji mostly conducts her experiment.

"C-Captain...Hanji-san said...If you want Alina, y-you have to go get her yourself." All of them stood in shock and Levi frowned.

"What is she even doing there with that four eyes?" he asked in
annoyance and Armin gulped...

"She's sleeping, sir..." Levi stiffened for a bit before he clicked his tongue.

"that shitty glasses." He said coldly before walking towards her field...the others went with him and then they saw Alina peacefully sleeping under the tree. Levi looked at Hanji who is there too, busy reading research papers...Levi stood in front of her glaring at her and Hanji looked up before she smiled.

"Levi, you're here. Alina is sleeping there."

"what the fuck did you do to her?" he asked her seriously that made them confused.

"what do you mean?" even Hanji is looking at him confused.

"that stupid brat will never sleep during hours like these without any knife at all." He said as he looked at the knife Hanji is holding...Hanji then froze before she smiled brightly.

Queen Of The Underground: Her Mentor [Levi x reader (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now